Part 6 : clone.

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content : i dunno, drama and fluff??
characters : Bruce Wayne, Bruce Wayne's clone, Selina Kyle, Ivy Pepper.
More chapters after this continued? : yes, ofc!

Selina's Pov.

I sat along the bench, next to the bird cage. You can guess where i am at this point, where i go everyday, just to feed those stupid birds, just because my.. 'friend' can't anymore. Ivy (not the knew bad ivy, the young ivy- ok ._.) was sitting next to me. "why do you even feed these birds?" Ivy asked me, in her small cute tone "Because my friend can't. So i do it for her" i sighed, "why does it matter so much to you?" she asked me, again. "Because, it just does okay!" i almost yelled, her being the little girl she was, jumped back slightly. I sighed and looked away from her, "sorry, Ivy" i said, i didn't like saying sorry, it made me feel weak.

"It's ok, Selina" she smiled slightly. "I've seen you with that Bruce Wayne guy, what's that about?" She said and looked at me, as a rush of wind went by us and our hair blew along with it. I moved my hair out of my face and sighed, "Nothing.." i said, she just nodded "so you're not friends with him or anything?" she asked, i just sighed, and didn't say anything. "Selina?" She said again, as she started to see me drift off into my thoughts, "Yes?" i said and looked at her, "You didn't answer my question" she said, "yea, i know" i said, annoyed.

"Can you please answer it?" she sighed, i just nodded "Yes. Me and Bruce are friends.. more than friends.." i sighed. Ivy just scoffed, "ok, whatever selina. That's ok" she sighed, i looked over to her "i know it is." she just stared at me, "i'm being sarcastic. how could you be with Bruce after what he's done to us street kids.. well not him in general, but his business and family!" Ivy yelled, i just looked at her "Right, he hasn't done anything, and he won't. I trust Bruce, and i don't care if you do or don't, Ivy" i scowled.

"Wow. Your gonna take the billionaires side?" She said, "why shouldn't i?" i snapped, she just kept staring at me "Like i said, after what him and his business has done to us street kids-" i cut her off, "What has Bruce done? He doesn't have much control over what that business does" I said, "Bruce hasn't done anything.." she sighed, "Exactly!" I yelled and stood up, "Get over yourself, Ivy" i said and walked off, "Wait, Selina!" i heard her say behind me, i turned around and crossed my arms "what?" i rolled my eyes.

"See you later" She smiled, i just chuckled and nodded "whatever, Ivy. See ya" i said and got off the building.

(Side note: Selina doesn't know that this is bruce's clone, she thinks it's just the normal bruce. This is when Bruce's clone comes in, so i'm just gonna call him 'Bruce's Clone' and the real bruce is 'Bruce Wayne' or just 'Bruce'. Anyways, back to the story-)

"Hello, Selina" Bruce's Clone said to me as i bumped into him in the middle of the alley way, "Hey Bruce" i smiled slightly, "How are you?" he said, in a voice with no emotion. I sighed, "Im fine. As usual" I sighed, he nodded "Would you wanna go somewhere with me?" Bruce's Clone asked me, "Sure, Where?" I asked, "you'll see" he smiled.

*3 or 4 hours later*

We sat on the Arkham Bridge, at the top. It was night time now and the sky was dark. we both laughed at a story i had just told, it got awkward a few moments later "hey selina" he said in a soft tone, "Yes?" I smiled, and he leaned in and kissed me, this lasted only about a few seconds before i pulled away and smiled. "Can you promise to not get mad at me?" he said to me, i nodded "what is it?" i sighed, a little worried "i'm not Bruce" he said. My eyes widened and closed, i opened them and just laughed "wow, hilarious. what do you really have to tell me?" I said, not believing one bit of this.

"I'm telling the truth, i'm not the real Bruce" He said, i looked at him "Prove it" he nodded and lifted up his shirt, showing the scars and cuts, "what am i supposed to be looking at?" i said, "you still don't believe me?" he said. "Nope" I giggled, "ok.. watch" he said and took a small switch blade from his pocket, he slowly started to cut at his arm, and i didn't see his face move to show pain. He showed me, my eyes widened "your not lying.." i said, he nodded "what do you want, if your not the real bruce?" i sighed, "nothing. i just wanted to see you" he smiled, i shook my head "Well, you've seen enough. I'm leaving now" i said and started to climb down "ok." he said, he just jumped down, knowing that it wouldn't hurt him.


I finally made it back to the Wayne Manor, where bruce sat on his bed, in tears. I walked into his room, and sat in front of him. I put my hands on his cheeks and looked at him "hey hey hey, what's wrong?" i asked, worried. He just looked at me "I'm sorry. I was just worried about you. You haven't been home all day since you went to feed the birds" he said in a soft tone.

I smiled slightly, at how he was worried, i didn't like it but i liked that he thought about me. "It's ok. I'm ok. I'm here" i said and wiped his tears away, he nodded and pulled me in for a hug. "I love you" I said, "i love you to, selina" he said. 

We stayed like that for awhile until we fell asleep cuddling :3

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