part 7 ; captured

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content? ; idk, uh, drama-
characters ; Selina Kyle, Bruce Wayne,
more chapters after this continued ; of courseeee bb's

Selina's Pov

Me and Bruce were asleep at the Wayne Manor, it was almost the middle of the night and we were snuggled up together in his bed. I was awake and heading downstairs too get water, as i heard a knock at the door. I walked back upstairs too go get bruce, but when i tried too wake him up but it was no use.
So i walked downstairs too the door and opened it myself.

There stood Jeremiah Valeska, "hello, Selina" he said, in an emotionless tone, i gave him a death glare, i was about too attack him when he jammed this weird tranquilizer into my neck, and the next thing i know was that everything went black.

Bruce's Pov

I woke up, and the first thing i noticed was that selina wasn't laying beside me, like we fell asleep as. she wasn't one too wake up as early as i did, so i got worried. I walked downstairs "Selina?" i called out, but no answer, i kept walking around "selina?!" i kept yelling, soon enough Alfred joined in until we had searched all around the Manor, but no Selina. "Alfred.. what if she's dead-" i said, starting too have a panic attack "alfred what is something happened too her!" i yelled, Alfred looked at me and hugged me "look here bruce, it'll be alright, we'll find her" he pulled out of the hug and looked at me, and i nodded.

I saw him brush his suit down, and he wiped some of my tears away "now come along master wayne, we've got no time too waste" he said and walked off too the front door, i followed quickly after him. We first checked at her hang out, where she would usually stay, but no Selina. We drove around where she would be almost twenty times, i started too think, not too think that she would have been killed.. i needed too think about the things other than that.. so we could actually get a chance too find her, alive. "Alfred, what if she was kidnapped?" i said and looked at him, "well it's a possible idea" he said to me, "but who would want too do that?" i looked over too him, "not Barbra.. Nor penguin-" i said, but Alfred cut me off

"Jeremiah, he would be the only one too want too take her" he said, i just looked at him, "you're right.. but where can we find him? and what does he want?"  i asked, Alfred looked at me "well he'll probably just tell us if you give him a call" Alfreda said, i nodded, i took out my phone and went too his phone number, only having it saved in my recents because of the times he's called me. I let it ring, but no answer. i could've guessed he would do that. "where do we look?" I looked over to Alfreda, he sighed, "let's look at all the places that look like no one would want too enter inside" he said to me, i nodded "what about the warehouse that we found tabitha in? or the church that barbra took lee and jim into?-" i said, but Alfreda cut me off again.

"Now where in bloody hell did you find Tabitha" (SKSKSKSK IM TRYING TOO ACT LIKE ALFRED SMH) and i just looked over too him, "come on" i said, i pointed too the directions of the way too get there, and it wasn't too long before we arrived. We walked inside too see exactly what we wanted but also didn't want too see, Selina was tied up too a chair. I ran over too her, i was so close too untying her, before i heard the ecco of Jeremiah's voice "not so fast, bruce" he said, and i looked around, but i just saw him standing all the way across the warehouse.

"jeremiah" i said, "what do you want with selina?" i asked, "well bruce, i payed you a visit last night.. but this little birdie... came too the door instead"  he said to me, "so let her go!" i said loudly, he looked at me "cant you?" he said, "will you do anything?" i asked, he shook his head "so what do you want?" i asked, "oh bruce, this is only a lesson too give me what i want, or other loved ones will be hurt" he said, i looked at selina, she had a long cut on her cheek and that's all i could see so far, i untied her, watching Jeremiah the whole time, when she was finally free she was motionless.

i put my fingers on her neck, feeling for a pulse, i smiled bright when i could feel it. I hugged onto her, and when i opened my eyes too look for Jeremiah, he was gone. I picked up Selina and looked at Alfred, "let's go" i said and he nodded, heading out too the car as i followed after him. I put her down into the car and we drove back too the wayne manor. When we got there i was quick too take her inside and lay her down onto my bed, i looked at her and kissed her forehead. I fell asleep sitting down in the chair next too my bed, when i woke up the next day. she was gone again, i jolted up, but my heart stopped pounding in my chest when i heard a girls laughter and what sounded like Alfred's laugher too. I walked downstairs and saw them eating breakfast at the table.

"Selina" i said, she looked at me and smiled, standing up and giving me a hug, and she hugged back. I smiled and pulled away so i could kiss her, "thank you, Bruce" she said too me, i smiled and kissed her again "that's what a boyfriend is for" i said and she blushed, i looked at Alfred "so what's for breakfast?" i said.

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