part 8 ; caring

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content ; fluffy shizz
characters ; "Alfred Pennyworth, Selina Kyle, bruce Wayne"
more chapters after this continued? ; yeee

Bruce's Pov
It was the night after we found selina, i was staying up all night too make sure nothing happened too her. She told me that she was gonna stay up with me until i fell asleep, she didnt want me too stay up at all. She said that i needed sleep. I sighed and smiled too myself that she worried about my rest, so we were sitting down on the couch, snuggling up too each other.

I sighed and looked at her "selina, you need too sleep" i said, she didn't bother looking at me she just sighed "and so do you. but neither of us are doing that right now, are we?" she said, still not looking back at me. i nodded and sighed again, "ok.. i'll go too sleep if you do. just don't get up without waking me up, ok?" I said, she nodded and shut her eyes.

She fell asleep eventually, so did i.

I woke up the next morning and let her sleep for a little longer, when i had gotten back from eating breakfast and she was still asleep. I sighed "selina" i said, i walked over too the couch and crouched down so that i was eye too eye with her, i looked at her and saw how beautiful she was, she was perfect, too me she was. I pushed a strand of hair out of her face and she flinched a little, she opened her eyes and looked at me "bruce, what are you doing?" she said in her normal morning voice, i giggled slightly and stood up "nothing, just waking you up" i said.

"what time is it?" she asked me, i didn't answer, she just stood up and looked at me, "you're adorable" i said, looking at her. she blushed and grinned, i just smiled, "anyways, you missed breakfast. but i can make you some and any more if you're hungry" i said, she stood up and shook her head "im not hungry, yet" she sighed "key word; yet" i said, she giggled and so did i.

We headed out of the living room and out of the house, we went up too where selina usually fed Bridget's old birds. She fed the birds and after that we just sat down at the roof for awhile, talking. "so why do you even feed these birds?" i said, looking at her. she sighed and looked up at the sky, "well, someone has too. right?" she said, and looked at me. i nodded "i suppose so" she looked at me and leaned in for a small kiss, and i kissed back.

A few seconds she pulled away and sighed "sorry" she said, under her breath. "about?" i said, "kissing you" she said "i just felt like it was a good momen-" i cut her off, "it's ok. you can kiss me whenever you want and i'll never be mad about it" i smiled, and smiled lightly too and looked down at her hands.

"well we might as well get going, Alfred will get worried" i said, she nodded "yeah ok" she said and we started too head home.


oof sorry for the short chapter but i'm in school rn só i have too end it here, yea bye.

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