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In Gotham, it was never a good idea to leave your door unlocked. There were theives on every street in this town, murders behind a third of the doors. As a habit, I never left my doors unlocked. Coming to realize my front door was unlocked, I was instantly put on edge.

The door jam was intact, no one had busted through it on their way in, and a quick scan over the livingroom told me nothing had been rearranged. After Zsasz's home visit I had started locking Andrew's door before I left the house, the knob's refusal to turn said that he was still safely contained inside.

I walked into my room slowly, finding I had a reason to be put on edge when I found Zsasz himself stretched out on my bed, snuggled up to my striped cat, opening his dark eyes soon after I'd crossed the doorway. "I like this little guy," he admired, holding it out and using his fingers to wiggle it's head. "He's cute."

"What are you doing here?" I grumbled, snatching Katie's cat from him and holding it defensively. He instantly clammed up, flipping on a switch as he stood from my bed to watch carefully out my window.

"There's a shift in power going on," he informed, sneaking a view behind my curtain. "Seeing as you worked on all the people who still have a say, someone asked I keep you alive." I frowned and shifted my footing, setting the cat on the bed and turning my gaze back to the hitman at my window. "Don't ask me why," he sighed, as if he knew I was going to ask. "That chipper personality doesn't fool me. You're just as greedy as the rest of the bastards."

"Excuse me?" I breathed, taking a small step forward. "This is coming from the man who has sat before me dying and never let me view more than a small patch of his body at a time." He turned his wild gaze from the window to me and the words instantly died in my throat. "All I'm saying is," I started, a lot calmer, "it takes one to know one."

Squinting his eyes at me, Zsasz shifted his gaze to the other side of the street, and, in a rare moment of bravery, I tacked on, "We do this for our own selfish reasons, even if the actions themselves are selfless."

"So murdering people for money is a selfless act now?" he realized with a bit of awe. I quickly shut my mouth and folded my arms over my chest.

"You get hired to protect people," I provided irritatedly.

"For money," he stated slowly, as if that wasn't clear. "My point is, why do you do it?" I went to answer but stopped myself. My answer had always been my brother, but he was hooked up to machines that lived for him now, I didn't have to do much but pay my due anymore. The bullet was out, he was healing properly, he just wouldn't wake up.

"If I tell you what I'm hiding, you have to show me what you're hiding," I decided, holding my chin up and standing my ground. Zsasz dropped the curtain and sauntered the few steps over to me, and I had to fight everything in me that told me to back down.

"No," he put simply, walking past me. God, if his attitude switch was attached to a light, it'd be flashing on and off like a strobe light right now. Before he could get far, I grabbed hold of his wrist, Zsasz doing nothing, not even turning to face me. So I took yet another bold step and unbuttoned the cuff of his sleeve, about to pull it up when he snatched up both of my hands, a look in his eyes I'd never seen before; it was one I hoped to never see again. "For a doctor, you've got some issues with boundries. Don't do that again."

He dropped my hands and even though he'd walked to the front door and stared out the peephole a moment, I found it impossible to breathe until he'd resumed his spot at the window, my heart racing impossibly. "We need to leave." I brought my eyes up to him incredilously, shaking my head before refusing had even came to mind.

"I can't just leave, I have a patient in the other room--"

"He'll be safer if you aren't here," Zsasz informed, a tired strain to his voice. I was starting to get on his nerves. "Now, do you want to wait here like sitting ducks and get the stiff riddled with bullets or get out of here and keep him alive to sleep another day?" My face pulled into a tight frown and it took a moment, but I nodded all the same, ready to drop anything and everything if it meant Andrew's safety was ensured.

I went to move to get a bag together, but Zsasz put a hand on my arm and guided me through the doorway. "Don't take anything. We won't be gone all that long." I had the urge to check in on my brother before we left, but something told me it would only piss him off further or he would just outright refuse me.

After locking up, we had to walk a bit around the block to get to my car and I couldn't help but notice the way Zsasz stalked along whatever side of me was closest to the street, detering any pedestrians from our path easily. If anyone wanted to make a move on me, the walking skeleton beside me surely warded them off.


Zsasz had me drive around Gotham for a while, just taking me through the maze of concrete and organized crime. He mostly just fiddled with the stereo, tapping his fingers along with lively songs or switching the station when he got bored again. "You said there's a shift in power going on," I prompted, not able to turn my eyes to him. "What did you mean?"

"Penguin put up a vote, old man Falcone is out." My eyes darted to him before quickly back to the road, break checking myself and the line of traffic behind me at the red light I nearly didn't see.

"What does that mean for me? The whole reason I'm in this life was because Falcone could provide the medical supplies." I took a deep breath as the light turned green, feeling my muscles tense unwillingly as I moved forward once more.

"Like I said," Zsasz sighed, "someone vouched for you. Once the dust settles, you talk to whoever is left in charge." I nodded and took a slow breath, unable to put an ease to my tenseness.

"What about you?" I tried.

"I'm going to whoever pays the most." I nodded and rolled my eyes. I honestly should've guessed as much. We drove in silence for a while longer, the only thing that changed within his occasional directions was that we now actually seemed to have a destination. It was a large house off the island but within the city limits, like Wayne manor was set up, but I'd been there, and we were not there now.

I waited for Zsasz to step out to walk to the doors, falling in step behind him. There was a small blossom of panic in my chest, if only for the lack of information that I'd been given. He led me to a room with a long dining table, a man I faintly recognized at the head and Gilzean standing behind him. "So you're the doctor I've heard so much about," the man at the table greeted.

"I didn't know people talked about me," I shrugged, trying not to let my fear shine through.

"My name is Oswald Cobblepot," he introduced. "I understand you had a deal worked out with Falcone."

"I did," I nodded, slowly stepping forward. "I provided him medical services in exchange for funding my brother's health."

"Everyone holds you in high regards," he commended, but I could tell there was a silent question attached to it.

"I used to work with children. You'd be surprised how often children and mobsters act simillarly." There was a smile on his face, though I couldn't tell if it was a good one or not, everything about this set me off.

"Butch likes you, he's the one that suggested I hire you," Cobblepot informed.

"Smart man," I breathed, meeting his eyes and giving him a slow nod of thanks. "It's always a good idea to have a doctor on hand."

"Right you are, Miss Cane." My eyes settled on Cobblepot as he limped over to me, taking in the degree of the hobble and how he leaned on his cane. He stopped just in front of me before holding out his hand, sliding mine into his and giving him a firm shake.

"I could take a look at your leg if you wanted," I offered, taking notice of blood slick on his clothes easy.

"I-I'm fine, thank you," he sighed, turning away and limping further into his house. "See them out, Butch." I didn't need a second invite to leave, walking back the way I came quickly. If I listened, I could hear Gilzean and Zsasz trying to discreetly exchange money, scoffing to myself as I climbed into my car.

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