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I'm not quite sure what Penguin had agreed to, but I sat at the bar turning over a small slip of paper, a little red umbrella stamped in the corner. Victor wanted to train me how to defend myself, I'm not sure how waiting around as he trailed behind Oswald all day accomplished that task, but I wouldn't agrue.

I reached over the counter and grabbed the nearest bottle, examining the label before pouring a glass of whiskey. I took a deep breath when I felt the weight of Victor's stare, sitting up as he rested a hand on my back. I offered him the glass but he shook his head with a chuckle. "No drinking on the job." I shrugged and brought it to my lips, watching over his shoulder as the door swung open.

"Who's that?" I mumbled, turning my eyes away from her as Victor tensed up.

"Sofia Falcone," he answered, walking towards Penguin's office. As he passed by her, he held up a finger, something set in his footsteps. Her eyes followed his trail a moment before she turned to me, pouty lips turned upwards. I stood and set down the glass, taken slightly aback when she reached forward and kissed either of my cheeks in greeting.

"It's an honor to finally meet you," she breathed, something about her attitude putting me at ease. "If it weren't for you, my father's condition would have gone unnoticed. It also gave me a relationship with him; thank you." I nodded and turned my head, surprised at the warm greeting you usually got from a family member, not a complete stranger. I perked up when Victor stood in the doorway, motioning our guest into the office. Sofia gave me another smile before walking forward, and I could feel the weight of Victor's stare double. Whatever this meeting was about, it was an important one.

She didn't stay long, exitting the room once more with a near concerning expression. Though when she caught my eye, I swore I watched the tears get sucked back into her eyes, a glint I couldn't place to them as she offered a small smile and left the Lounge. It took longer for Victor to exit, finishing my drink well before he'd come back out.

As the day went on, I think I realized why he brought me here before the club had even opened. Two men, looking like they'd come in from the streets of the Narrows, came through, eying the place up and down. "We're closed," I announced, leaving the bar and walking towards them. "Try again in a couple hours."

"We're here to see Penguin," the man in the hat informed, the bald man just behind him still casing the place. "Got a message from Mr. Nygma." My eyes drifted over them once more, as well as the missing centerpiece, the man trapped in ice had been freed and was sending messages.

"Come with me," I breathed, lightly knocking on the door and stepping into the doorway. "You've got a message, from Nygma." Penguin's eyes went wide so I left the room and held out a hand to the door, sending them through and slowly making my way to the bar. I stopped though when I heard beatboxing, turning back to the room with an incredilous expression. Whatever had just taken place was over by the time I decided to step into earshot, hanging at the door to Penguin's office as he instructed the men to start over.

Rap really wasn't my thing so I didn't really pay attention to the words, getting a general gist that Nygma wasn't happy about being put on ice. There was a small curl to my lips as Victor bobbed his head a bit, clearly amused in some form or another. I turned my eyes to Penguin as the verse ended, as his reaction was the main reason I stuck around, finding a fair amount of annoyance on his pointy face as he leaned against his desk. "What the hell was that?"

"We should torture 'em," Victor decided, a giddy smile still clinging to his lips. Though I fought it, my eyes widened a fraction, realizing what he showed me - albeit as thoroughly chilling - was a kinder side of hinself. "Just get them to tell us where Nygma is."

"He just found us on the street," the rapper defended. To be fair, they certainly seemed as much.

"Well that's exactly what you would say," Victor reasoned.

"Leave!" Penguin interjected before anything else could ensue. I took a step back as the men ran past me, watching them cautiously as they bolted for the door. "That barmaid who kidnapped Ed said he lost his step. Clearly she's mistaken; he's up to all his old tricks. So I'll meet him." I turned back to the office and watched the bird curiously. I couldn't tell if he was more or less stable since I had initially began working for him. "You and your men will hide nearby. Attack when I say. Do not kill Ed, though. I want Victor to freeze him again," he instructed as he pulled on his coat.

"Huh?" Zsasz interjected, causing Penguin some added irritation.

"Not you, the other Victor." I frowned in confusion but chose to remain silent, watching the interaction between the two.

"Oh." His eyes shot to me a moment before he returned his attention to our boss.

"'Earth meets sky, water flows, birds fly,'" Penguin recited, working himself through the riddle. "Obviously he means the pier. Gather your men. I want Ed Nygma." When Victor turned towards me, I raised my brow in a silent question, frowning a bit when he shook his head.

"You know, it's kind of hard to learn to defend myself when all I do is sit around all day," I prompted walking behind him as we left the Lounge.

"And what did you learn today?" he inquired, throwing a look over his shoulder.

"The criminals in this town are unconventional," I started, making him scoff. "It's best to hide in plain sight, like the licenses." He didn't answer me as he climbed into my car, leaving me to follow with an irritated huff. "Why can't I go with you?"

"Because Nygma used to be predictable," he explained with a sigh, pulling away and heading towards my house. "The ice did something to his brain and we don't know what to expect. I won't have that be your first field day." I rolled my eyes and turned towards the door, irritated that I didn't mind how he rested a hand on my thigh.

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