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It took a couple months for things to settle under Cobblepot's reign, I got a lot of business due to all the outbursts stemming from the takeover. I was about ready to pack up and go home when the door heaved a bit under someone's weight before the knob jiggled.

I looked up when Zsasz walked through the door, his wild stare freezing me in place as my eyes slowly took him in. He was holding his elbow, and I could see his shirt sticking to his chest just below his shoulder. He blinked at me a few times so I took a breath and pulled on some gloves, gesturing to the steralized table. "How many did you take?" I asked distractedly, prepping what I'd need. At his silence, I added, "Bullets. I meant bullets. Not--"

"Just one," he interjected loudly, moving to sit before me. "As far as I can tell." I hadn't seen him since he made me drive him around, which was altogether surprising because he didn't seem the careful, cautious type.

"Great," I nodded, turning to the ready and catching the inquisitive look on his face. "Not great you got shot... You know what I mean," I huffed, guesturing to his shirt. "Kinda hard to work without a view, Victor."

"Turn around," he sighed, pale features coming together in a sharp point. Holding my hands up in surrender I stood from my chair and turned my back to him, used to odd patient requests. I could hear the fabric of his shirt moving around, also small grunts of discomfort, but chose not to peek. "Alright, you can get to work."

With a nod, I tucked my red hair behind my ears and moved around my chair again, finding his chest was just as pale as his head, even though he only allowed me view of a small portion. His blood stood out strongly against his skin, so I quickly started cleaning the wound. Where most people would flinch or hiss, Zsasz merely looked ahead, as if the pain of alcohol in a gunshot wound was nothing.

Once I could see what I was working with, I picked up a flashlight and a pair of long tweezers, giving him a frown for a warning - I felt he wouldn't need much - before sliding them through his flesh and searching for a bullet. It was here I could actually see the pain on his features, and with every twinge I was encouraged to stop. With a deep breath, I set down the bloody tool and cleaned the area once more, shutting it with a single stich and a bandage before standing and turning my back to him again.

"It was a clean shot, went all the way through," I informed, not turning towards him in the slighest. "I need to see your back." By the time he'd given me permission to look at him again, he had a childish smirk on his lips, completely contrasting the mood he'd had entering here. Just like everyone else in this town, Zsasz flipped on a switch; it wouldn't be be a one time time thing, apparently.

He allowed me more view of his back than he had of his chest, it sparked my curiosity but I kept a lid on it and got to work, cleaning the wound before stitching it shut and applying another bandage. "Do I get a sucker for being a good patient?" I watched as he adjusted his shirt over his shoulder with an icredilous expression.

"If you wanted that, you should've seen me in my Gotham General days. I don't give suckers to thugs who know how to take a few hits." Zsasz scoffed and I could feel his eyes trail me as I came around to stand in front of him. "Sling for two weeks, okay?" I instructed, helping him slide his arm into the short sleeve.

"Sure," he mumbled, watching me carefully as I adjusted the pitch of his arm.

"Come see me if you need anything," I nodded, sitting in my chair and turning to my desk. I took off the bloody gloves before cleaning the tools I'd used.

"You like having me around?" he prodded, causing an irritated smile to my lips.

"Because it's my job," I corrected. "I do this, Cobblepot funds me so I can take care of my brother when I'm done here." I turned to him and offered a slight shrug, coming to sit down at my desk. "His best hitman dies on my watch, he might stop doing that."

"You don't have a mean bone in your body, Lucian," Zsasz commended, standing and adjusting the strap around his neck. "In this city, it'll get you killed."

"And that's another reason I work for Penguin. Best protection in town." I gave him a sarcastic smile, not meaning to feed into Zsasz's ego.

"Thanks, doc," he mumbled, walking towards the door. My smile softened out as the door shut behind him, trying to leave as fast as I could before someone else walked through it. I was in luck, though, I didn't run into anyone else until I was outside the house, a young girl perched on the hood of my car.

"Hey, Kitty Cat," I hummed, the coy smile on her lips surprisingly setting me at ease. "How's your ankle?" She rolled her foot a couple times and shrugged.

"Better, after you helped. Back to jumping rooftops. Speaking of--"

"Get in," I chuckled. "I'll take you into town." Selina easily slid off the hood, bouncing a bit on her feet before getting into the passenger seat.

"When are you gunna let me drive?" she wondered, eyes lazily drifting to me as I pulled away from Penguin's safehouse.

"When you get a lisence," I prompted, both of us erupting in laughter. The kid was my distraction, if even she could be part of this crazy life, so could I.

"What did the creepo want?" she wondered, kicking her feet onto my dashboard.

"He was hurt," I shrugged. "I was doing my job. Not everyone bugs me the way you do." I reached over and ruffled her curls, grinning at the way she pushed into my hand. Truly a cat. "You do know that you can crash with me whenever you want? As long as you're not pawning off my valuables, that is."

She scoffed loudly. "Yeah, I know. But who would when the zombie in the spare room is boobytrapped to guard your stuff." I rolled my eyes, laughing to myself as the image came to mind. Andrew would definately defend my things, but not to the point of waking up from a coma to do so.

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