Chapter 13

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||What did you all get for Christmas? Was it what you wanted? Let me know if you want! And happy holidays to those who don't celebrate Christmas! Or happy late holidays!||

Marinette went into the room that contained the trapeze with Dick and they started to stretch to warm up. "You haven't done this in a while so let's start with easy things."

Mari's mind went back to when she was swinging through the streets of Paris. "No, I think we can begin with the hard stuff Dicky." She winked at him and started to finish up her usual stretch routine. "If you say so lil sis." He shrugged and also began to step up to the trapeze.

They both flipped, tossed, and swung. By the end of their little activity the two were both breathing heavily and panting. "Guess you weren't out of shape huh?" The man grinned between breaths. "Of course not!" Marinette downed her water and Dick followed. "You sure you're up for sparing with Jay?"

"Yeah!" The bluenette did a jump to prove she was fine. "Haha okay, be careful!" He ruffled her midnight blue locks and went to take a shower.

"Jay! Are you ready to go down!?" She pointed down on the word which made Jason laugh. "Whatever you say Pixie-Pop!" He followed her into the gym and they got into positions. Mari took her stance and so did the man she was up against.

The petite girl was the first to land a powerful attack. One kick up to his abdomen. It hit him, but Jason spent no time before punching back. It kind of put her off balanced. She soon got it back though. They were at it for a good 4 minutes. Within the 4 minutes they landed strong attacks that both hit and missed. While Mari was preparing to do an attack, Jay saw and opening. He grabbed her wrists and spun her around, like a dance. Then Jason pinned her down on the floor, hands behind her back. After counting to 3, he helped the girl up.

"Guess you won this one!" She gave a breathless laugh. "I already knew!" Jason swept his hair to the side with a flick of his head. "But you did put up a good fight. You're actually getting a lot better!" "Yeah thanks! I've been uhh practicing? Anyways I have to shower before spending time with Tim." She said bye to Jason and when to her bathroom.

Her eyes were drooping, but Mari tried to fight off the jet lag, knowing that she promised to do those things with them today. It was already 5 and by her calculations there was time with Tim and after dinner She and Damian could make cookies.

She scurried down the stairs and caught Tim's attention. "Hey! I'm ready! Where are these riddles?" "Oh perfect come on! We can do them in my room." Tim waved his hand over as a sign to follow him, and she did.

Okay so, You have 10 fishes in the tank. 2 drown, 3 of them die, and 4 of them swam away. How many do you have now?" "10! They never left the tank. The fishes are still there! Even though some died, and fish can't drown. Also fish can't swim away if it's a tank." "Let's move on." Tim racked his brain for one that could stump her.

They spent 30 minutes doing that until Bruce came home. They knew because Alfred came and got them, knowing how both Marinette and Bruce was ecstatic to see each other.

"Hello Sweetie! Welcome back!" He held her closer into his embrace, cherishing his only daughter. "Hi Dad." She laughed as he kissed her head. "I can't wait to meet your friends." His arms unclasped from her body. "My friends?" She asked, getting nervous. "Yeah! Tomorrow you guys are going to the Gotham museum! Remember when the boys would take you?" He smiled at the memory. "Jason and Tim will be going with you!"

"That's umm great?" She tried to give as much enthusiasm as possible. Bruce raised an eyebrow at her behavior, but shaked it off, just blaming it on jet lag. "Dinner is ready." Alfred informed. "What would we do without you Alfred." Bruce said. "I don't know Master Bruce, but I'll get the rest of the boys." "I can do it!" Marinette volunteered. "Well thank you Miss!" "Of course!"

Soon they were all gathered around the table eating rice, chicken, and peas. "We're still going to make cookies right Mari?" "Of course Dami, but instead of cookies lets make chocolate croissants instead. " Marinette answered before putting a spoonful of peas in her mouth. "Aww! Look at Damian being sweet!" Jason cooed. "Shut it Todd before I make you with my katana." Damian threatened. "Come on Jay! You know that sweetness is only reserved for our Marinette here!" Dick laughed.

Dinner soon concluded without much commotion which didn't happen often. Both Alfred and Bruce were grateful.

Marinette and Damian went to make the chocolate croissants.

The nice buttery croissants were soon done. Everyone enjoyed them and Marinette mention how she was tired from jet lag and wanted to get an early start. Everyone wished her goodnight.

"Tikki! I'm sorry for leaving you up here! I brought chocolate croissants!" She passed 2 to the kwamii who bit into the fluffy, chocolatey treat. Mari slipped on her PJs and snuggled into bed, quickly visiting dreamland. Tomorrow could either be the best day ever or the worst. It just depends on how she plays her cards.

Marinette Cheng-WayneWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu