Chapter 22

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"N-Nothing!" Lila put her hands up as a fake surrender. "It was an accident! I slipped!"  She quivered her lower lip, hoping that will win the Dr. over.

"And pushed a very rare flower and Marigold into the pond?"

Lila stared at me, hair drenched with a couple red flowers that were beginning to get soggy and sink.

"Yeah, it was an accident!"

"Get out." Dr. Pamela pointed towards the exit, as I felt arms lift me out of the pond. There was Jon and Damian, doing their best to pull me up from the very edge of the pond. How they weren't slipping in was beyond me.

"You okay?" Jon whispered into my ear in which I responded with a nod. "Just a little cold," I shivered, feeling a small flutter in my stomach as my ear was still warmed from his voice.

"Get a towel." Damian barked at one of the observing employees. "Right away!"

We watched as he scurried away, water still dripping out of my hair.

"Where's Lila?" I questioned scanning the room. "She got kicked out." Adrien said, walking up to me. I pressed myself closer to Jon, probably staining his clothes with water.

"I can't believe you got her kicked out, this is supposed to be a fun trip. You're so selfish, she didn't even deserve that." Adrien spat before walking away, unaware of the 2 males glaring daggers into the back of his head.

"That kid's delusional, it's a shame I can't hurt him." Damian scoffed, really considering a punch or 2.

"When did you become such a coward?" He raised an eyebrow, pulling me away from Jon.

"H-He, I just can't."


"Because, he was my first crush." I whispered, looking down because suddenly this grass was very interesting.

Jon's eyes narrowed while Damian just tsked.

"Please, he's pathetic."

My head whipped up, the voice belonged to Jon...not Damian? "For once Kent is right."

I sighed feeling the warmth of a towel around me. Nodding as a thank you, the man scurried off once more, not trying to get caught up in whatever's happening and frankly I don't blame him.

"When I get my hands on-

"J-Jon, Damian, it's fine. Let it go." My voice wavered, I don't want them worrying about me, it doesn't matter!

Then why do I care so much?

I clenched my fists, knuckles turning white, there was no way my eyes could meet their's, tears would just pour out.

"He doesn't deserve to look at you or even speak to you! I will have him beaten bloody!"

Why is he acting like this?

I began to breathe harder while they were conversing some more threats.

"M-Mari" Jon stuttered, trying to pull me back into his embrace, noticing something was wrong.

My bottom lip felt swollen since my teeth were nibbling at it. "Let me go." I said quietly. Damian complied and without a thought I ran, anywhere that wasn't here would be good, anywhere else.

Now feeling the warm sun, I let my aching legs slow down. There was no one here to see me breakdown.

Shuffling into an alleyway, I pounded on the brick walls that wouldn't budge. Tears now pouring freely.

"Umm hello?" I heard a voice call out from behind me. It sounded like this person was almost scared to come into the alleyway.

Furiously wiping away my tears, I dove behind the garbage can, awaiting to see who was there.

|I just wanna say, Idk how many chapter this story will have but each one is relatively short sooo yeah, that's all.|

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