Chapter 27

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Jason smirked in a way that made me regret my answer. "I dare prank Dicky Bird."

"No! Not my favorite brother!" I dramatically pressed a hand to my forehead, failing back onto Damian's lap. He shoved me off, probably a bit unhappy.

"Umm wow Marinette." Tim flatly stated, "To think I even gave you my limited edition coffee."

"They make limited edition coffee?" Jon questioned.

"They make limited edition everything."

Jason grinned, "The prank will be seeing if Jon and you can put on a believable performance. Kent you're proposing."

My face flushed red and when I looked over at Jon, his eyes widened. We made eye contact for a split second m, but I couldn't help but look away. "Can't we do anything else?" I whined.

"No, now hurry up, we do not have all day!" Jason took one of many rings on his fingers. "Here!" He tossed it to Jon. "Go go go!"

Tim pulled out his phone, followed by a big sip of coffee. He swished it in his mouth before swallowing. "I'm recording!"

Jon gave me a nervous smile, hesitantly lowering himself onto one knee. "M-Marinette we have been friends for a long time and..."

"His car pulled up! Keep going!" Jason exclaimed, clapping excitedly.

"I know I love you and all your flaws"

Jon didn't look me in the eyes, only looking into the far left corner.

As Jon kept improving random words, the door clicked open. Dick just stared at us blankly. Everyone stopped speaking and looked to him.

"This is the dumbest thing ever." He deadpanned, tossing everything onto the floor. "You think I was going to believe this? Please, I'm a detective." Dick began walking towards us, "And I'll no one marry my sister with this tacky ass ring." He wiggled the small piece of silver out from Jon's fingers and threw it back to Jason.

"Where's my suit!" I bounced happily after that failed prank as Jon stood up, face still red.

Dick pointed to the pile of stuff on the floor, "Somewhere over there."

I quickly dashed over, finding a suit wrapped with clear plastic. Grabbing it, I headed up the stairs and into the closest bathroom.

After putting it on, I took a look in the mirror. The base color was black, but there were baby pink stripes running diagonally down my legs and a white V on my chest area.

Everything else was pitch black. The fabric itself was very stretchy and comfortable and the mask was also black but the corners were shaded light pink.

Shuffling down the stairs, I found Tim and Dick left in the living room. "What do you think?" They watched as I spun around.

"It look great! The colors really suit you!" Dick cheered, running up to pull me into a hug. "My baby sister is all grown up now."

"Why do people keep saying that?" I muttered, pushing myself away from him. But the hug was nice, it felt warm and comforting from the nerves for finally getting to go out with my family as a superhero. I need to prove I'm good enough and the world is finally giving me a chance.

"Go show everyone else!" Dick pushed me in the direction of Bruce's office.

After everyone complimented me on the outfit we had dinner, and I was practically bouncing with excitement and they could all tell but didn't say anything.

Jon apparently decided to go with us on patrol to take Jason's place in being Tim's partner.

"Okay, we'll be leaving in 20 minutes time so be ready, don't think we won't leave without you." Bruce directed that sentence to me, and I instinctively shrunk back.

"Let me give you a word of advice Miss Marinette." Alfred began, pulling us off to the side. "They already think highly of you and would do anything for you. Just have fun but take it seriously." He have a smile that was grandfather like, which I returned

"Thanks Alfred!"

With that I tried to put on the suit as fast as possible. Hopping on one foot to get the leg in and doing some power poses which hopefully no one saw.

Tikki hid in one of the roomier pockets that was sewn onto this suit.

Rushing to be on time, I went to the Batcave just as the others also entered. "Did you have a code name in mind Pixie?"

"Yeah! Ladybird!"

Dad nodded approvingly. "You understand you're with Jason?" "Yes, he told me earlier."

Every splitter up, Batman in the Batmobile, Robin and Nightwing on west side, Red Robin and Superboy on Batbikes, and Red Hood and I on east side.

"So you know what to do?" Red Hood pulled a Red Bull from his pocket. "Of course!"

I'll just use my Ladybug experience!

"I'll just start in that area and we can meet up after to go over anything that might be a hazard." I commanded, just as I would with Chat Noir. Before I got off the rooftop, Red Hood stopped me.

"We can't be separated, you still need me." He dropped his grip from me. "But that way we can cover more ground!" I advised. "It's still a no and Batman wouldn't agree either Ladybird."

"What if someone needs help right now! We're just standing here doing nothing Red Hood! That's not how heroes are!"

"We aren't heroes, we're vigilantes. It's very different okay? I don't know how everything works with your Ladybug and Chat Noir but that's different from here. You watching their leadership doesn't influence what happens here. Your superior calls that shots, right now that's me." Red Hood scolded me harshly and all I could do was stand there and take it. "Got it Ladybird?"

"Okay," I relented, "Just give me a second."

Walking over to the very edge of this metal roof I sat down, taking off the boots to pretend to dump them out.

"What is it Tikki?"

She tugged on the inside of my pockets earlier, that's why I'm using my shoe as an excuse.

"I know you're very good at being Ladybug, Paris' hero. That comes with leadership and being in charge, but right now you aren't." Tikki squeaked quietly.

I rolled my eyes, "So you're going to scold me too?"

"No, just to remind you Marinette. It's okay to not know how this works. They don't expect that either."

I could tell my brother was getting suspicious, so after thanking Tikki and walking back to my brother, he started to move and I followed.

We were silent for a moment until something caught my eye.

"Look! Down there!"

Red Hood glanced down and immediately started taking short and shallow breaths, and the closer I looked, the more I understood.

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