Some Information

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Conner was unsure how to feel about the information Jess had given him. She said Haly was innocent and someone else had infiltrated the circus to use it as a cover for their own theft. She was right of course, but he wasn't sure about it in general.

He went to see if he could ask Haly about her character since she had grown up here.

He was surprised however, by hearing Robin already talking to him.

"Do you know where she is?" He heard Robin ask, they must have already been in conversation by the time he had gotten in hearing range.

"I haven't seen my little Terley since the day she went to say goodbye." There was a pause as he rifled through some things on a shelf. It sounded like he opened a lock box and must have showed the contents to Robin. Robin's heart rate had picked up. "I get updated on her condition twice a year. A Polaroid and a lock of hair. One on the day she went missing and one on her birthday."

"So it was brought recently? Did someone deliver this to you? Did you see who it was?"

"It comes in an envelope I never see the delivery guy. The envelope is always left at the ticket booth during a show, and the writing is always hers. I'm sorry Dan, there's not much else I can give you."

"It's okay Jack. It's not your fault, if I had treated her better the last time I saw her she'd still be here and not wherever she is getting hurt. It's my fault she's like this now." Robins heart beat stuttered. "This is in Gotham. It's the harbor."

"Why would she be at the harbor? You and I both know she can't swim."

"A lot can change in a few years. But this is a clue to finding her. I'll bring her back Jack."

"You should know Dan, her most recent picture. She looks happier than the others, and it's one of the few that she isn't injured in. She isn't the same kid we used to know. She's changed like you have."

"I just need to find her. I need to fix this. Thank you Jack. You've helped even if she isn't here. I'll find her and bring her home."

The box was closed.

"I think this is better left with you. If you're going to find her you'll need everything you can."

"Thank you Jack."

Conner walked away to avoid Robin running into him eavesdropping. He pulled out his phone and decided to ask Jess herself.

You know Robin on a more personal level don't you?"

It was a moment before she replied

-Emergency Contact-

You had a falling out, is this the personal experience of hurting friends?

Again a moment before she replied. Like she didn't want to but chose to tell him anyways.

-Emergency Contact-

Want to talk about it?

-Emergency Contact-
No it's in the past and I can't imagine he'll forgive me of my wrong. We'll let sleeping dogs lie.

As a friend, I will lend an ear if you need. Megan would say the same.
Also overheard you can't swim? This true?

-Emergency Contact-
Yes. I have an unfortunate fear of water in addition to bats, but the water fear is most likely because of how I lost my biological family. I was the only one they could save from the pool. I don't remember much from that night either, but I do remember something loud going off before everyone was pushed into the pool by an invisible force. Thinking about it now, I guess there was a bomb that went off.

How'd you manage to end up in the circus?

-Emergency Contact-
They were nearby. John pulled my family out of the pool and they waited with the first responders until they left to the hospital. Jack was kind enough to invite me to a performance but while I was watching the show my mom passed. My dad and younger brother died from drowning.

I'm sorry about that.

-Emergency Contact-
It's in the past. Nothing done now can change the fact. John had convinced Jack to have the circus adopt me so that I wouldn't end up in the orphanage or foster system. John was the closest thing to a father I had for a while, until the accident. That left me alone with no one to ask guidance which is how I ended up with Joker.

When did the accident occur?

-Emergency Contact-
Five years ago.

Conner didn't respond after that. It was a lot of information to take in. He sighed realizing now why she was so convinced the heroes couldn't save her. And the patchwork of scars she had, if that was only because of five years how much worse would it look in ten? With Jokers ever changing mind would she even make it to her next birthday?

He ran his thumb over the ring made from the rock from mars. She was selfless, and honestly had the morals of a hero. He couldn't help but wonder what it would have been like if she didn't end up with Joker. If she had become a hero, or even stayed at the circus.

He shook his head. If she hadn't ended up with joker he would have never met her. She would just be another face in the crowd or a circus performer. She would have had to deal with the parasite they took care of on this mission. There were both good and bad things about her being with joker, but he knew he wanted to help her get out before it got worse.

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