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Jess was pacing in her room. She had just gotten a text from Superboy saying he's let his team know that he's been in contact with her and the other team members seemed cool with it. It was a part of their no secret policy. She unfortunately had a lot more secrets she's worried about.

How much had Conner told his team? Does Robin know who she really is? Did he tell them she knew who the mole was but was refusing to tell them? Would they retaliate? Was she safe?

So many questions and not enough answers. Pacing wasn't helping either so she went for a walk around the fun house only to find it mostly empty. She found a goon and learned that joker was out running a heist while some other villains were gathered to take down the young justice team.

'Joker isn't telling me anything anymore?' She thought to herself as she went back to her room.

For hours she sat wondering what was supposed to be happening. A goon walked by with a stack of papers and absentmindedly set them on her desk.

"Joker has an assignment for you. Your last one is to be terminated."

"What?" She was confused is Conner a target now?

"His words not mine. Says you're going soft, so you need a change in pace. This is your assignment. Don't like it ring it up with him." The goon left, she still had questions but went over to the stack of papers anyways.

They were files of odd locations with Joker specific drawings on each. He wanted her to bomb the areas or rig them up to blow when they get visitors. She didn't want to especially if she knew there would be a casualty from it.

She pulled out her phone to message Conner but stopped. Would joker hurt them as a result of her talking to him? She didn't want that either so she reluctantly pocketed her phone and set about gathering materials. J wants this done or he'll target someone she cares about. She couldn't let that happen.

She was about a third of the way through her stack of files when she was nearly blinded by lights coming on suddenly. She had the mind to store the files in a pocket before anything else could happen. She was surrounded by armed police force and she held up her surrender. J wouldn't be happy, but this is entirely out of her skill set. She was put in handcuffs and put into a van after they confiscated her phone.

"Who's Superboy?" The officer asked through the bars.

"He text me?"

"Said 'You knew Red Arrow is the mole and didn't tell us? What other secrets are you keeping?' Seems like you got all nice and cozy with somebody. You piss him off?"

"Not intentionally. Joker has plans for him if I deviate from my tasks. I'd rather no one get hurt."

"You we're setting charges on traveled locations. Somebody is going to get hurt from your actions."

"Shouldn't be anyone I know though."

"So fuck them right? Kid you need to think things through before you do shit like this."

"I have. It's either them or me. I don't think I can take anymore." She mumbled the last part and hoped the officer didn't hear. A thump sounded on the roof of the car as if something landed on it.

"The hell?" A mallet broke through the windshield and the officer swerved to the side of the road. The mallet came down again breaking more of the window in the process.

"Mama?" Jess muttered quietly. Nothing was adding up for her and it was confusing her to no end.

The officers stepped out of the car with their weapons drawn. The passenger though looked back to Jess before getting out.

"You stay put."

"Not like I can go anywhere." She held up her still cuffed hands and he was out with his partner. The two were fighting Harley but vines snuck up on them and tangled them up.

"My baby are you okay?" Harley asked as she opened the door and undid the cuffs before pulling Jess close and looking her over.

"I'm fine mama. Just confused."

"About what?"

"How did you know where I was?" She looked to the officers as well. "And how did you know where I was going to be? Nothing adds up for me."

"Anonymous tip. Harbor area code." One of the officers stated.

"Goon said you'd be picked up." Jess was processing the information.

"I was set up." She whispered. "J didn't send me out on an assignment. The goon wanted to get me out of the harbor so I'd get in trouble." Jess looked back to Harley. "He's gonna hurt me again for leaving without telling him." Harley pulled Jess into a bone crushing hug.

"He won't hurt you baby. I'll explain to him what happened." Jess shook her head.

"Harls, when has that man listened to anyone but himself? It won't matter what happens she's gonna get hurt directly or indirectly. That's how the psycho runs."

"Not to be a downer, but could you let us go?" One of the officers asked warning a glare from the two adult women.

"Like hell. You were gonna take my baby away." Harley nearly shouted.

"We'll leave you for someone else to pick up." Ivy said and walked over to Harley and Jess. "We should get her back. The less time she spends gone the less the punishment should be."

"Thank you. But I don't think it'll help. The note I got from the goon had specific instructions and a very clear threat should I not follow them. Once J reads it he'll know I did this to save a life."

"It's okay baby. We'll get it all worked out."

Jess' phone pinged with a message.

The league has been infected with biotech. We're taking them down then you and I need to talk.

She sighed, and didn't respond to the message. For all either of them knew this would be their last chance to talk. She couldn't think of a single thing to say to make any of this better, so she kept quiet as she was led back to the harbor.

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