A Helping Hand.

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She left the pocket and found herself on a beach. Not the one in Markovia, but one that felt familiar.

The knife fell from her hand and she covered the still bleeding injury in her shoulder. It hurt but she had to ignore the pain in order to get help. She started walking along the coast, surely there was civilization on the other side of this what looked like used to be a mountain.

A light trail of blood dripped off her fingers as she trudged through the sand. She could feel the fatigue start to settle in, a combination of overuse of her ability and blood loss. She stopped walking and closed her eyes for a moment, she could feel the vertigo creep in but couldn't open her eyes. One of which still hurt from her fight with Robin. She wasn't quite sure what he did, but it offset her vision just enough to cause a headache. Then again that could be because of the hit she took to the head.

She felt hands that were not hers touch her shoulders. Her eyes snapped open to find a man in front of her with worried green eyes.

"Are you okay?"

'What a stupid question.' She thought but glanced to her arm that was still bleeding despite her hand over it.

"You're bleeding, let's get you to a hospital." At that she shook her head and tried to pull away from the relatively weak grip. She didn't want to go back to the hospital now that she's out in the world. They would just lock her up again, she wanted to feel the sun on her skin before being trapped. "You don't want to go to the hospital?" She shook her head again.

After a moment of thinking and tuning out what the man was saying, she moved her hand that was covering the injury and barely touched his shirt. He was shocked but stopped talking at least. Slowly she moved her hand in a way that looked like she was sewing.

"I can't stitch you up." He protested but she shook her head. She confused herself a little when she pointed at herself. She wasn't sure how she knew, just that she was capable of stitching up her injury. "You aren't going to either. I'm sure I can get someone to help. But I need to get you inside somewhere, being by yourself on the beach is dangerous." He guided her away from the shore. "I might know someone who can help."

He lead her to a house, helping her walk at times, and opened the door. He led her to the kitchen and had her sit at the dining table while he left to make a phone call. He was taking too long, she needed the injury closed and wrapped sooner than later.

She got up and grabbed a kitchen knife as well as she could in the state she was in. She cut open a pocket and grabbed some medical supplies to stitch herself up. She fell back into the chair and dropped the few items on the table. Using the knife she carefully cut into the sleeve to have better access to the injury.

With the guy on the phone in the other room she set about fixing herself up. She took off the face mask and used her teeth to stabilize the thread to tie a knot in the first stitch so it didn't just come apart. Carefully and neatly she made straight little stitches to close the wound. She tied it off with a little more difficulty than the first knot but she managed.

The exhaustion hit full force and she slumped back in the chair. She glanced over at the bandage but everything was starting to blur. A muffled sound was getting closer but her eyes closed and she gave into sleep.


She woke with the sound of a door closing, her eyelids were too heavy to open though. They were getting closer if the louder they were getting was anything to go by.

"- stranger in our house and don't know anything about them?"

"She was hurt."

"Than you should have taken her to a hospital."

"She had a negative reaction when I suggested that."

She heard the door open.

"You put her in one of my shirts?" It was a hushed whisper.

"I had to, hers was bloody and torn. I had to clean her up before bandaging her arm."

"What do you plan to do now?"

"I had called Megan to see if she could help. She won't be able to get here till morning."

"She can stay the night, but I'm having a background check run. What even happened?"

"I was out for my run and found her wandering the beach by the mountain. She was already injured when I found her."

"Was there any evidence of a fight?"

"Not that I could see. She seemed a little lost like she was dropped off."

"On the beach?"

"It was dark out. I didn't see much. She'd been walking for a bit though, there should be a trail to follow."

The door closed and the voices got quieter.

As she pondered over the information she was unintentionally given, she was caught on one thing. 'Who is Megan?'


Morning came and she was feeling better than last night. She sat up with a bit of difficulty and looked at her arm. The bandages were wrapped neatly with several layers of gauze.

She got off the couch and looked at the shirt she was wearing, light blue with police academy camp written on the front in bold. She looked around to get a better feel of where she was, the room looked like an office, but there was nothing personalized about the room itself.

She went to leave the room when the door opened instead. The man from last night was in the doorway.

"You're up? That's good." She tilted her head slightly confused. He sounded unsure of his statement. "My friend won't be able to come over to look at your injury, but she said we could go there instead. Wanna head over?"

She thought it over. She didn't have much to gain or lose from going so she nodded her head. Not even once did she consider that the man might be bad news with a friendly exterior, she followed him home without question. But it was too late to go back now, she made sure to snag a small sharp thing in order to defend herself should the need arise.

"Awesome, let's get you some food and I'll let her know when we're on our way."

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