Fighting Back! Part 2

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After an hours sleep, Selina starts to wake up, moving slightly, rubbing her eyes, turns her head to see Bruce on his side fast asleep. His hand on her stomach. She smiles thinking about last night, him on top of her, kissing her. The way he made her feel. She reaches out gently touching his cheek, trying not to wake him. She didn't want move but she had too. Gently moving his hand away from her stomach, resting it beside him. She starts to move off the bed, trying not to wake him. He moves slightly in bed but doesn't wake up.

Breathing a sign of relief, she goes to bathroom putting on her clothes she had on last night. Feeling sick to her stomach, trying to breath slowly letting the nausea pass. After a few moments, she opens the bathroom door.

Creeping around the apartment, trying to find her little bag then putting her boots on. She knew what she had to do. But she had to do it alone. Of course she wanted Bruce there with her but she needed to get penguin back. Fighting back the tears that wanted to escape from her eyes. She was doing this for Tabatha. She wanted revenge.

Looking over towards Bruce, still fast asleep. She wanted so much to crawl back into bed with him. Let him make everything better again.

She shakes her head. 'Come On Selina.... You Need To Be Strong' She takes a deep breath. Walking towards the door. Stops and looks back towards Bruce closing her eyes, reopens them sees a note pad on a table. Hesitates then grabs it.

Scrolling a note for Bruce:
'Bruce, thank you for last night! For being there for me. I'll never forget it. Yours. Selina.'

Taking a deep breath, she takes a quick glance at Bruce then closes the door quietly. She moves across the hall down to The Sirens Club.
Once she's in The Sirens Club looking around to see where Barbara was, she was at the bar. Walking over to her, Barbara sees her she turns to face her.

"Selina.... You feeling better?"

"Yeah much better... I need a favour?." Looking at Barbara biting her lip a-little. Barbara looks at her. "Where's Bruce? He not with you.... He didn't leave you did he!"

"No.... Bruce stayed with me all night...." She smiles to herself. Barbara sees her smile. Raising her eyebrows. "You and Bruce got close did you?"
Winking at her.

Selina blushes then tries to hide her grin. "Nothing happen... he was... there for me." looking up Barbara

"There for you huh! Are you sure nothing happen? Where is now?" Barbara looking around seeing if Bruce is not too far behind her. He's always by her side one way or another.

"He's still In your Apartment, I Need you to tell him that I've gone away for while." Trying not to look into Barbara's eyes.

"What do mean.... Selina?" Barbara looking back at her trying to get her attention.

Taking a deep breath. "I'm leaving...." With tears in her eyes she continues. "I need to get out of Gotham..... I can't stay here."

Barbara gets up of the stool "What are you really up to Selina?" Standing in front of her.

Selina looks into Barbara's eyes " If I tell you.... Please don't tell Bruce.... He can't find out." Shaking her head. Barbara folds her arms. "What's in it for me."

Selina shakes her head. "I'm going after penguin.... I'm doing this for Tabatha.... He needs to pay for what he did to her. He can't get away with it. I'm gonna kill him.... then I need to find a way out of Gotham." With tears in her eyes.

Barbara shakes her head. "Selina you can't do this on your own. Going after penguin are you crazy? He could kill you."

"Barbara.... you think I would let penguin kill me." She laughs looking into Barbara's eyes. "Look what happen to Jeremiah..... how many times did I stab him. He's dead. Penguin deserves to die. I'm gonna kill him. I'm going after him... Alone."

Barbara stares at her. "Suit Yourself.... Just be careful."

"Aren't I always" Selina smiles then stares at Barbara "Just don't tell Bruce.... he'll only try and stop me... I can't let that happen." Taking a deep breath.

Barbara rolls her eyes taking a deep breath. "Selina... are you sure you wanna do this?" Looking into her eyes begging her not to do something that she doesn't want to do. After Jeremiah.... What he put her and Bruce through. She doesn't want Selina getting out of control. Barbara takes hold of Selina's hand.

"Look.... I know you wanna go after penguin... and he deserves Everything he gets. But doing this. Killing him. Are you sure you wanna go down that root?"

Selina looks at Barbara holding her hand lifts her head up "Yes I do.... I'm different now.... I'm not the same as I used to be. So I'm going after penguin then I'm leaving all this behind me."

Barbara takes a deep breath " What about Bruce? Huh!" Looking into Selina's eyes. "I know you care about him, and he cares about you. Doing this alone Selina won't prove anything. Why don't we go get Bruce and he can help you. You don't have to go this alone."

Selina thinks back to last night how her and Bruce was, the way he cared for her and how he was with her. How he looked after her, telling him to not let go her go after her nightmare. She closes her eyes, re-opens them. Looks at Barbara "I'm doing this.... Alone without Bruce." Shaking her head. " I don't need Bruce."

"Selina... Please don't do this!" Looking into her eyes

Selina looks at Barbara and laughs " I thought you of people would have my back...... Don't you want penguin to pay! Pay for what he did to Tabitha..... I certainly do!" Showing how angry she is.

"Selina don't be like with me.... You  know I have your back okay!" Barbara looking into Selina's eyes. "I'm not gonna stop you from going after penguin.... just be careful is all."

"What about Bruce? You gonna blab on me" Glaring at Barbara While Folding her arms..

Barbara looks at Selina and shakes her head. "No.... I won't tell Bruce" Selina smiles at her. "Thanks... I gotta shoot." She leans in and gives Barbara a hug...
"Thanks for everything!"

"Anytime.... look after yourself you hear!"

She nods making her way out of the Sirens club.... bumps into Jim 'shit' "Selina..... what you doing here?" Jim looks over at her.

"Come to see Barbara.... what's it to you!" Giving Jim a look. Jim looks at her "Nothing at all.... Is Barbara in?"

"Yeah..... What are you here to see Barbara for?"


"Whatever.... I'm outta here" Rolling her eyes leaving Jim standing there. Now time to find penguin... She needed to make a plan to get penguin, she couldn't go in and kill him straight away. She wanted too. She wanted stick a knife in his throat but also needed a way out of Gotham. Penguin knowing penguin he would know way out. Once she's got the plan together she could kill him get her revenge for Tabatha. She needed to find place to crash plus she needed food to get rid of the nausea that's keeps hitting her.... heads towards The Green Zone.

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