Mixed Chapter

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This Chapter Is A Mixed Chapter Between Bruce & Alfred, Selina & Penguin.....

Bruce & Alfred
Once Bruce got to the apartment him and Alfred were staying at. He couldn't stop thinking of Selina. How much she had changed since having the seed of Ivy. The way she went after Jeremiah. Killing him the way she did. Bruce closed his eyes, the image still vivid in his mind. Alfred sees Bruce stood near the door way with his eyes closed. Walking towards him trying not to startle him.

"Master Bruce" Alfred laid a hand softly on his shoulder.. Bruce opened his eyes, saw Alfred in front of him... with tears In his eyes trying focus on him.

"Master Bruce.... you Alright mate?"

Bruce takes a deep breath thens nods...

Alfred looks into his eyes... "Are you sure about this mate? Miss Kyle may not want to be found!" Bruce looks into his eyes, listening then says. "Alfred.... I have to find her.... She needs me.... I know she always says that she can handle things her own way and that she's been looking after herself.... her whole life. But I wanna take care of her."

Alfred listens to what he says... he's always known Bruce to have a soft spot towards Selina and that he'll do anything to protect her. He needed to help him... find her. Bring her back safe where no one can hurt her again.

"Right..... well we best make a move and find the little minx then" Alfred nods towards Bruce with his hands on his shoulders. Bruce listens to Alfred every word he says... glad that he has someone like him to protect him and be there for him whenever ever he needs him. "Thanks Alfred.... just gonna change quickly then we can go!"

"Right away Master Bruce.... Do you have an idea where Miss Kyle will be heading?" Alfred calls after Bruce. He grabs his things changes then walks out saying "Barbara seems to think The Green Zone..... so will start there." Looking at Alfred. "Righto Master Bruce.... you got everything."

"Yeah I'm ready." Bruce grabs his things heading towards the door. "Let's bring Miss Kyle home hey" Bruce turns to Alfred and nods.

Bruce thinks to himself 'Selina where ever you are.... Please be ok...... I'm on my way baby... I'm bringing you home" As they both head towards The Green Zone......
Selina & Penguin
Penguin and Selina were near the dock trying to find a way to leave Gotham. He was using his binoculars spying on a little boat.

Selina Watching Penguin as she leans on the dock with her arm sees an explosion and says "That's zero for three

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Selina Watching Penguin as she leans on the dock with her arm sees an explosion and says "That's zero for three."

Penguin hears Selina lifts his binoculars of his eyes and says "Yes...seems the government was quite thorough when they mind the river." Sounding annoyed.

Selina listen to him then with her eyes brows crossed turns to look at penguin while still leaning on the dock "You didn't have a plan to get off this rock before you stole everyone's crap."

Penguin still annoyed turns his head and says "I

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Penguin still annoyed turns his head and says "I...was working on a plan" then turns back. Selina lifts her eyebrows and explains to him. "The river is mined...."While using her hand she continues. "Everything that files out gets.... Blown from the.... Sky" Selina suddenly thinks to herself. Penguin turns to her and says "What?"

Selina then says while looking at penguin. "Jeremiah was digging a tunnel under the river." He starts to laugh. "A Tunnel..." Looking at her then says. "Really!" She looks up at him and says "Do you have any better ideas?" Giving him a questionable look. Penguin then glares at her thinking of something to say... Selina sees him thinking that he doesn't have any better ideas... she thinks to herself that her plan may work after all. Then says to him. "I... didn't think so..." Selina then looks at him raising her eyebrows saying. "It's in the dark zone....we should wait until night to check it out." Penguin looks at her and says "Well... I was running out of guinea pigs anyway." Nodding at her turns to look through his binoculars again. Selina nods and turns to walk away when he spoke again saying "Oh look he's swimming to sore." Selina rolls her eyes at him.

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