Chapter 29

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"So, any comments?" I joked as I smiled innocently.

(G/B/F) had a blank look on her face. She was so still that I almost thought she wasn't breathing.

All that was heard was people talking in their own conversations,

"(G/B/F)? Are you okay?"

"Hello?" I sanged as I waved my hand in front of her.

"(G/B/F)!" I shouted but not too loud.

She finally blinked and shook her head,

"I'm sorry, it's just... what?" She broke out of her trance.

"Okay okay, you're Riddler's daughter?" she whispered as she made sure no one heard.

I nodded to assure her that she listened correctly.

"You're the vigilante named (Y/H/N)"

I nodded.

"You were trained by Ra's Al... who?"

"Ra's Al Ghul" I helped her out as I let out a soft chuckle.

"Okay that. And you also became a criminal for a night?"

I nodded again.

"You made a deal with Damian's mother"

"Correct" I smiled.

"Are you sure we should be talking about this in here?" She asked as she glanced around the coffeeshop.

I furrowed my eyes as I think about her question,

"Yea you're right"

"My house?" I asked as I stood up from my seat.

"And skip school? Hell yeah!" She exclaimed.

I gave her a confused look to why she spoke so loud.

She only laughed it off before we walked out.


"Get comfy"

"Mí casa es tú casa" I stated as I sat down on the couch in front of hers.

"Mí casa es tú casa = "My house is your house" in Spanish

"Uh Thanks, I guess" she replied as she didn't understand what I just said.

She made herself comfortable on my couch.

I took her to my house and thankfully, my father wasn't here.

"Water? Something to drink?"

"Nah, I'm good" she replied.

There was a wave of silence washing over us before she spoke,

"So how does it feel?"

I raised an eyebrow,

"How does what feel?"

"Being a superhero?" Her eyes lit up.

"It feels great" I breath out as I layed myself against the couch behind me.

"But, there are so many problems" I frowned as I looked at her.

She was silent as a smile slowly grow on her face.

"Don't even think about it" I scolded her.

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