Chapter 1

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||First Chapter! yay! So Bruce already adopted Dick, and Talia and Bruce already met so Damian will be older than Marinette! I don't own Miraculous or Batman or any of the characters. I'm just a fan. Y'all should check out my other stories like "Winx in Gotham" I will be more active on that mainly because I already have chapters pre-written, but not for this! I will still post on this as often as I can. Probably once every 1 or 2 days. I'll try! Okay well enjoy!||

A baby had just been born. Marinette Cheng-Wayne. How did this happen? Well, Bruce and Sabine met at a bar. They got drunk. Went back to Sabine's place to ya know what, and now they have a child. 

"Look Bruce I really appreciate that you didn't leave me like I though you would, but I really want to open a bakery. Don't get me wrong you're a nice man and all, but I don't think I would want to marry you." Sabine began "This is a big favor. I just. I just want you to take care of Marinette while I still figure my life out. You have the money and she can have an older brother. Could you please?" Sabine begged. Bruce was pretty much out of options. He wasn't cruel. He definable didn't want his own blood daughter to suffer either. 

"Alright Sabine. I can take her in. I'm sure Dick will be excited to have another sibling." Bruce kept a neutral expression. "Thank you." Bruce nodded and left for them to rest a bit.

*2 weeks later*

Sabine had left for places to open a bakery in another country so Bruce took Marinette home. "B? Is that my new sister??" Dick asked. "Yes, your new sister. Her name is Marinette." "I get a sister?" Dick squealed running up to the baby. He took her from Bruce and started to rock her. Bruce watched as his two children interacted. He knew he was going to protect them with his life. Alfred took the child from Dick and took her up to the nursery they had started a week ago. 

*2 years later*

Marinette had been living with the Wayne family for two years. She was a fast learner so she could talk pretty fluently. Now Jason had just been brought in by Bruce at 10 years old. (I know he was like 12, but for the sake of ages he was 10) Marinette immediately liked Jason. She waddled up to him and hugged his legs. He stiffened at first, but relaxed as he realized she wasn't going to attack him. 

Bruce picked up the little girl. "Sweetie. His name is Jason. He is going to be your new brother so let him eat something then get settled before you talk to him. Okay?" "Jay-Jay? Oki." She giggled. Jason's features softened at what the girl called him. His new sister. Maybe I'll be okay here after all. he thought.

*2 years later*

"They are always gone at night!" Marinette said to no one in particular. Her room had gotten a makeover since she was a baby. the walls were still pink, but the crib was out and in was a princess bed. She also had a little drawing table. And 3 shelf full of toys. 

She decided to walk around the manor to see if they were back yet. The young girl found herself in Bruce's office before she got tired and leaned on a bookshelf. "Oof!" She said as the bookshelf pushed her onto the floor. It opened? The bluenette walked in amazed at what she saw. So they were the Bat family? Made sense now why they were always out.  There was a cool screen with a red dot. It was getting close to the manor. 

"Oh no! They will be back soon!" Marinette ran out back to her bedroom and tucked herself in bed. Patting the blankets a few times she heard something. Then voices. She shut her eyes before feeling the footsteps in her room. Someone kissed her forehead then closed the door. "Whew that was close." She whispered before falling asleep. (How doesn't Alfred know that she saw the batcave? He was on vacation!)

||That's it for chapter one! I'm sorry it was rushed! I don't really have everything planned out! If you want to see Daminette go read my "Daminette ABCs" or go to my Marinette One-Shot Ships" to comment a scenario you want me to write. Have a good day or night! You deserve it! Thanks for reading! Bai!||


Marinette Cheng-WayneOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora