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----------Mount Justice---------------

The Team had all gathered together and were watching the news, well  trying to because everyone had a different idea on what they should watch and because of all the arguing no one could hear what the reporter was saying.That is,until a picture of Robin and Batman appeared on the secreen. Everyone instantly stopped talking and fixed their eyes on the TV.

"There was a mass breakout from Arkham last week ago. Since then, Batman and Robin have been fighting villains nonstop.Spoiler,Black Bat,Red Robin,Nightwing and even Red Hood who was known to be a crime lord have been fightsing alongisde the Dynamic Duo.Red Hood bears the bat insignia, which leads us to believe that he is an anti-hero. Even the mysterious Oracle seems to be helping  over the comms.

Even though 5 vigilantes have fought day and night without taking a break for 3 days, most of the villains are still on the loose. So far only Mr.Freeze,Scarecrow and Poison Ivy  have been arrested. Joker,Twoface,Penguin,The Riddler,The Mad Hatter  and Harley Quinn are still on the loose. We advise all Gotham resident to stay inside during these days."

The Team didn't know if they should be more surprised that Red Hood has been helping the bats or that they haven't  taken a break in 3 days. That couldn't be healthy could it?

As they were thinking this the zeta tubes announced Red Robin, they all rushed there to see him supporting more bruises then they could count but hi left leg was the worst. There were many cuts and a big slash from his knee to his ankle. He also had dark bags under his eyes.

He didn't even say anything to them, instead he rushed to the infirmary with the Team on his tail. There they saw him clean his leg and apply bandage. He then went to the kitchen and filled his pockets with as many energy bars as he could while eating a sandwich he had made.

After finishing what was probably going to last him for another week he went to the couch and slept. This was also very surprising since the bats would never sleep at Mount Justice.

It hadn't even been 10 minutes when Red Robin's comm activated and he woke up with a jolt."Got it, be there in 5." he said and ran to the zeta tubes.

Every member of the bat clan showed up at Mount Justice that week, even Batman- he accidentally entered the codes of Mount Justice rather than the Watchtower.

Finally, after more 2 weeks, all of the villains were caught. Which was a nice thing but the bats were too tired to even celebrate. When tey entered Mount Justice they saw the whole League with the Team staring at them, and after 2 whole minutes of staring the room erupted into chaos, everyone was yelling at them about how irresponsible they were,or why they weren't on missions etc. at the same time. 

Nightwing couldn't take it anymore so he started yelling at the top of his lungs and gradually lowered his voice.

"Enough! We've been fighting nonstop against the world's craziest villains for a full month. Do you even know the last time we ate something,or slept for that matter? No, of course you don't. Because it's not important that we literally haven't eaten a decent meal since last month and the only thing we could eat was energy bars. And it's not important that the last time any of us slept was probably 2 weeks ago, and even then we took turns and everyone just got about 20 minutes of sleep. But noo, the only thing important here is you. You didn't even ask if we were alright! You think what we did was irresponsible,stupid or whatever you want to call it. Well without us that breakout would probably cause a massacre. The villains would slowly kill each and every one of the people in Gotham and then they would move onto the world. But you didn't know that did you? And why weren't we on any of your stupid missions? Well sorry but we were fighting the worst villains in history and the only free time we had was let me think,none! And if we even stopped fighting for  a day, Gotham would be doomed. So when we couldn't even find the time to eat and sleep, how exactly do you think we were supposed to come to missions. For a bunch of superheroes, you all are such imbeciles sometimes. Now, I'll say this only once, DO NOT bother us for a week if you value your life." With that said the bat family all left for the batcave.

There was a long silence after that. Although Nightwing was right- they knew they had acted like idiots-most of them were still shocked since Nightwing barely raised his voice, and when he did he would be scarier than the Dark Night himself. 

No one bothered the bats that week, well they couldn't even if they wanted to cause they didn't know their identities but the ones who knew didn't bother them either cause they knew to never underestimate a death threat from a member of the bat clan.

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