Hurt Part 1

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Jason,Tim,Damian,Bruce and Alfred were planning a surprise birthday party for Dick. THheir plan was simple, they knew that Bludhaven was crazy with villains these days and Dick was working as a police officer in daytime whilst he worked as Bludhaven's vigilante at night. Sometimes they thought he was overworking himself but he didn't seem bothered by it so they stopped asking him.

So since Dick was going to be busy, he probably wouldn't call them but just in case he did they closed all their phones.They didn't want him calling in the middle of the party. Dick was a great detective and he would pick up on the slightest hint and then it wouldn't be surprise anymore so they wanted to be as careful as they could.

The next 2 days passed with getting the manor ready, they had some extra help-by that I mean most of the work- from Barbara, Cass,Steph,the team and the league.

It was finally the night before Dick's birthday, they were planning on celebrating it at midnight. Everyone was working very hard so none of the bats noticed when their comms crackled indicating someone was calling. And since they had left their comms at the batcave,even Bruce- they knew all of gotham's villains were in Arkham and they knew Nightwing could handle Bludhaven so they had thought that they wouldn't need them. However they didn't know that Joker,Bane and Slade had broken out and were now in Bludhaven with Bludhaven's craziest villains. They also didn't know how crazy the villains in Bludhaven could be if they all teamed up with Gotham's worst...

So they didn't know that while they were happily finishing the preperations for the party, Dick was fighting for his life. And he wasn't doing too well.

He was already tired from fighting all the villains in Bludhaven for a week and he hadn't slept for 3 days straight and the last time he ate a decent meal was probably the last time he had been at the Manor which was 3 weeks ago. Dick thought he could handle it but when Joke,Bane and Slade showed up,well he knew his chances of winning were pretty low. He had tried asking for help over the comms but none of them had answered. They also hadn't called him in 2 3 days and when he had tried to call them from their phones, they hadn't answered those either. He would have started worrying but their health monitors were all normal and they didn't seem to be in immeaiate danger. So now;with 6 stab wounds,3 bullet wounds and countless bruises and a bad concussion, Nightwing didn't know if he could continue. He had put all of Bludhaven's villains in jail and he had sent Joker to Arkham- he didn't even know how he managed them but the stab wounds on his chest were proof that Joker was back at Arkham ( Joker had caught Nightwing and started torturing him but Nightwing had miraculously got out due to Joker arguing with Bane and Slade.-

Nightwing was actually quite surprised to see Joker team up but it had kind of worked in his favour so he wasn't complaining. But the torture had still been bad. The Joker had beat him with a crowbar for 2 hours and then he had started slashing at him until Bane and Slade came.

So now, he was fighting in the rain, with numerous wounds, against Bane. When they were fighting Bane had shot Slade saying that he wanted to be the one to end Nightwing so it was only Bane against Nightwing.

Even when he was in his top form, it was hard, if not impossible to beat Bane. But Nightwing knew that if he didn't beat him here and now, Bane would kill him and then go for Gotham and the bats probably wouldn't be aware until it was too late. So he had to this, for the people in Gotham and Bludhaven, , he had to this for Babs and her father,for his team and for the league, for Cass and Steph; most of all he had to do this for Jason, Tim,Damian and Bruce,for his new family,for his brothers and for his father.

So,with a final burst of strenght and determination he attacked Bane and knocked him out, he then tied him up and sent him to Arkham. But that was it, with his last strength he activated the emerency signal ( he had done this before when he was battling but there was no response) hoping that this time it would reach someone and then closed his eyes...

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