The Legends

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A/N in this one the team hasn't met robin and batman isn't in the league well he kind of is but they just contact batman as a last resort and I know it's a bit far fetched but i'm really running out of ideas so yeah

The Team had just come back from a half succesfull mission because they had managed to get the hard drive from the villains but they had no idea what it contained.They had all tried to unlock it with no luck and then they called the league but the results were same.

The league and the team were currently in the common room at Mount Justice,they were all thinking about the hard drive and how to unlock it when Flash finally got bored and said: " Everyone,come on we haven't been able to find a single solution,this is impossible I say we just drop it,I mean it's not like we have a super hacker right here who can unlock this."

Just when he said that an idea popped into Superman's mind.It was a really bad idea that would probably get him killed but this was too important. The villains had tried to protect this drive with their lives all saying that this was the key to world dominance.

"Well Flash you're not totally correct on that one.We do have a super hacker,he 's not here but he can unlock this. The only problem is he doesn't really answer our calls if he doesn't want to.But we have to try.We're going to call Batman."

At this the whole team and some of the leaguers were shocked for they all thought that Batman was a myth. Even Artemis who lived in Gotham thought Batman wasn't real because no one had seen him, the people of Gotham just knew that someone was protecting the city but no one had an idea of who the person was.

After a big chaos which involved a lot of questions yelling and screaming everyone was finally ready to meet Batman. So now they were all waiting for him to accept the call.

----at the Batcave------
Robin was writing the last mission report when an unknown call came. Robin was surprised since he thought no one could access the batcomputer without Batman's consent. Just then Batman entered and saw the call then started glaring at it as if that would make it go away, Robin was pretty sure ıt was the annoyed glare and he felt sorry for whomever was on the end of that line. 

"B,who's that?"

"No one Robin."

"Come on, you know I'll keep bothering you until you tell me."

Bruce knew that was true and he didn't want another full month of Dick asking the same question everyday everytime he spoke (Dick had wanted a cat and Bruce had bought him one after a month of asking politely).

"It's the Justice League Robin, they probably can't solve some stupid mission, or they just need help in hacking. Either way,I'm not answering."

But when Dick heard the Justice League,well let's say Bruce didn't really have a chance of saying no to Dick's secret weapon, the only weapon that could truly beet Bruce or Batman in a matter of seconds,THE PUPPY DOG EYES! So Batman answered the call.

-------------Mount Justice------------

Everyone held their breath as they waited, just as some members were giving up saying this was stupid, a man in a cowl with pointed ears and a really fierce glare came up. It would have been pretty scary if not for the kid who had his feet up on the table and was grinning widely. He didn't have a cowl but he had a domino mask and his suit was far more colorful opposed to Batman's.

The members of the League were slightly surprised since they didn't know that there was another child hero, and this kid looked younger than the members of the team. He couldn't have been more than 11. 

"Soo Batman we didn't know there was another child hero,don't you think he's too young to be crimefighting?" asked Superman and after the glare he got from the kid he wished he hadn't for then instead of Batman the kid started speaking:

"Actually, I'm the first partner and the first child hero, I became Robin when I was 9 and I'm 13 which makes me more experienced than every single member on that Young Justice team and most of the members of the Justice League. Oh and I may look like a kid, but I!m far more capable then you think I am. Now let's continue please."

Everyone except Batman-who was slightly smirking- were shocked to hear that the kid who they now knew as Robin had been fighting for 4 years. But they knew not to question further because both of the vigilantes had matching scowls and glares on their faces.

So Superman quickly told them about the situation and was halfway through explaining the hard drive when Robin said "Done!" with a triumphant smile on his face.

It took 5 minutes for the leauge and team to understand that while Superman had been talking Robin had hacked into Mount Justice's systems and he had unlocked the hard drive.

There was complete silence after that and then Flash said:"Those two are crazy." to which everyone agreed...

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