Career Choices

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----two weeks after Dick's graduation------
Bruce came into the kitchen which looked like a war zone to find Dick in  a chef suit mixing a strange looking liquid in a bowl. He seemed very concentrated,so concentrated in fact that he didn't even notice Bruce entering.

"Dick,what are you doing?"
"Whoa whoa whoa Bruce!You scared me! And what does it look like I'm doing? I finally decided what I want to be,I'm going to be a chef." he exclaimed and with that put the strange looking liquid into the oven despite Bruce's  objections and well,the kitchen exploded.

"Okaay,so definitely not a chef then.He he."
Bruce just sent him a glare.

A few days later Bruce found Dick in his room with a violin.
"Don't seriously me Bruce. I've found my dream, I'm going to be a musician." With that he started playing the violin which resulted in the violin being destroyed beyond repair and Bruce with an angry red mark on his face.

"Sooo not a musician then.I'll just go."

The next time Bruce saw Dick was in the basement.He had huge goggles and a white uniform. There were a lot of different liquids in bottles and a microscope.Bruce didn't even want to ask. Now Bruce didn't know much chemistry but he was pretty sure you weren't supposed to mix unknown chemicals.

Dick also seemed to realise this but alas it was too late. As you can guess it was the basement's turn to explode.Bruce felt sorry for the basement.

Before Dick could say anything:
"Dick,don't take this the wrong way but please stop trying to find a job.If you want you can work with me at Wayne Enterprises."

"Well why didn't you say that first,all this would have been avoided."

Bruce just facepalmed at that.

A/N so I hope you like it and I'm really sorry I it's been so long but I literally couldn't find anything to write about. So, sorry about that.

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