Mad Bird

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A/N Dick is 13 and he is Robin in this one and Dick is the only kid in Wayne Manor

Dick was angry,no scratch that he was mad,fuming whatever word you could put there. He hadn't slept in 4 days because his teacher thought that he had nothing important to do (granted they didn't know he wad Robin but still) so they had given him 6 projects,5 essays and 50 pages of math. Now usually Dick would finish these in no time but this time stupid Gotham's stupid villains decided to stupidly break out of stupid Arkham so Robin had patrolled all night for a week with Batman and if that wasn't enough he had to go to Mount Justice for a mission.

So when he entered Mount Justice his friends were surprised to see him so moody since he was always joking and laughing. None of them knew what was going on so Wally being the best best friend he is started to poke him and ask questions at the same time which resulted in him being silenced with some tape.

Just as Wally had gotten rid of the tape and started talking again Batman called them into the mission room to give them their next mission,apparently some petty villain had decided to take hostages and were not letting them go.Their job was to get in,get the hostages out, send the villains to jail and come back. Yeah,it didn't really go like that.

The team entered the bioship and it was silent in a long time because Robin wouldn't talk and everytime KF tried Robin would throw him a glare so fierce that Wally would immediately shut up.

When they finally arrived and were about to make a plan they realized that a certain bird was missing.

"Great,he's gone again. How are we supposed to find him now?" asked an annoyed Wally and got his answer in record time for just then a big crash came from the abonded house above. The team were worried about their friend so they immediately rushed in only to find the leader cowering under the fierce glare Robin was giving him. Even the team were scared and the glare wasn't directed at them.

"Look here whatever your name is,you have chosen the worst day to be a villain so be a smart man and let the hostages go."

The man must have been pretty stupid because he just whistled after that and there came 100 men with dogs.He probably thought they couldn't take his men.Which was stupid. The team were just getting ready to fight when they realised there was no need because in 5 minutes all the men were down on the ground,unconscious and all the dogs had run away looking more like puppies than trained dogs. So now the leader was alone and probably knew he was done for.

"I'll just tell you this, if I ever see your name as a villain ever again you won't have to worry about Batman because I will be your worst nightmare. So either you turn yourself in or I break every single bone in your body and then turn you in.

This time the guy actually acted smart and turned himself in.

That day everyone learned a valuable lesson,never piss off the boy wonder when he's pissed off...

A/N i'm sorry these last chapters are really bad it's just that i'm kinda running low on what to write and i don't really know what to do so sorry about that

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