Overprotective Brothers Part 2

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Whilst they were thinking about their actions Batman entered Mount Justice with the other bats behind him. But something was wrong. He was holding a very bruised and battered; a very still Robin in his arms...

The Team had never seen Robin so still. He was always fidgeting or moving,even if he was physically incapable of moving he would then make jokes or just butcher the english language.If they were to describe the state in Robin's words, well this was a disaster heavy on the dis.

Batman rushed to the infirmary with the bats so the team followed but was stopped by Red Robin. They had thought that Red Robin was the calmest of them but apparently they were wrong. And they were about yo find that the hard way.

"What's wrong with him?" asked Superboy but thay was probably the worst thing he could ask because Red Robin's face grew so red that they thought he was going to burst and just when they thought he was going to kill all of them with a crazy bat move he simply walked over to Superboy and punched him in the face.

"Do you really want to know what happened. Well since you were all idiotic imbeciles to him, Robin grew very depressed. Robin hasn't cried in 4 years and the last time he did was when his parents were murdered in front of him, and he was crying all because of you.
He couldn't handle the depression and sadness so he went on patrol. ALONE. And apparently the Joker decided to break out of Arkham and went after Robin.
You don't even want to know what he did to him,even we don't know half the things he did but we do know he was there for 3 hours and the Joker tortured him for information on you. But even after you all made him feel worthless,he still didn't say a thing and now because of that we don't even know if he's going to live. He stopped breathing 3 times until we came here. So to answer your question,nothing was wrong with him but now thanks to you,his life is on the line. I hope you're happy. Oh and when we found him, do you know what he told us? He said,if I die,tell the team I forgive them and it wasn't their fault. So yeah even when you were the worst friends he could ask for he still found it in his heart to forgive you.And just so you know,his parents death anniversary was tomorrow."

The Team were if possible more ashamed and Wally was the most ashamed of all.He had said all those and he didn't even see the anniversary getting closer. And now his best friend was fighting for his life just because Wally couldn't accept what needed to be done. He was the worst best friend in the history of best friends...

The next few hours passed with League members coming in and going out, a doctor called Leslie rushing in with  a masked man everyone called Agent A. They had started operating on Robin 4 hours ago and he still wasn't out. Once Leslie had arrived she had calmly-by that I mean she yelled at their faces to get out with a surgical knife in her hand- ushered them out so now the whole batfamily,some members of the league and the whole team was waiting outside the infirmary doors. Finally after what seemed like an eternity Leslie came out looking grim.
"First of all, he had a lot of injuries his collarbone was broken he had multiple slash marks on his chest and legs and his right knee bone was literally in pieces. He also had writing engraved on his arms and he had internal bleeding. He had 3 cracked and 6 broken ribs and one of his lungs were punctured. We lost him twice during the operation but for now he is stable."

Before anyone could say anything Batman said "What aren't you telling us?"

Leslie pressed her lips in a thin line and answered in a sad voice: " He has slipped into a coma.And I don't know if he'll wake up."

After those words, well everyone was surprised to see a tear make its way down the face of  the almighty Batman. Red Hood punched the wall making a big crack and Darkwing seemed at a loss for words.Red Robin had tear tracks on his face and he looked like he wanted to punch the Joker to death. Agent A had also heard the news and he looked like he was close to crying as well.

The Team couldn't find anything to say. M'gann was crying her eyes out and Kaldur and Superboy both were sad for their friend but angry at the Joker. Artemis wanted to join M'gann in crying but she knew she had to keep calm. And Wally, well he was disgusted with himself. His best friend was in a coma because of him.

The only thing they could do was wait.

-3 weeks later-
It had been 3 weeks since Robin had fallen into a coma and everday he had one of his brothers or Batman by his side. It had taken a lot of begging but finally the team were allowed to see him as well,under the supervision of the whole batfamily of course. Sometime between the second and third weeks Red Arrow arrived yelling about having to learn from the news and all. When he learned about what the team had done,he had grown even more angry if possible and well after a whole hour of yelling and shooting arrows he had finally calmed down.But he was still angry at Wally and what ge had said. After he learned about it he had caught Wally by his arm and had taken him to a private room and yelled at him for another hour finishing with an I'm very dissapointed in you,if you were in his place,Dick would have supported you.
And Wally knew he was right.

As it was the morning when Robin woke up he found bone other than Kid Flash himself sleeping on a chair near his bed.After 15 minutes of struggling he had finally managed to wake him up which resulted to KF shouting at the top of his lungs "He's awake!"

Well it's safe to say the whole batfamily barged into the room with the League and the team trailing behind them.The League left after telling him not to scare them like that again and the bats left shortly after.They had all hugged him and they would probably be back but they knew the team and Robin needed to talk so they left-all of them glaring at the team that said if you mess up,it will be the last thing you do-

And now it was just the team and Robin. After an awkward silence everyone said sorry at the same time and they were all apologizing profusely until finally Robin had had enough and he yelled "Enough!Guys it's alright,I forgive you. I knew you didn't mean it." Robin hadn't indicated anything but it was clear that that last part was directed to Wally whom had a grateful look on his face.

After that everything was back to normal,well as normal as it could be:Robin's brothers and Red Arrow and Batman were still somewhat angry at the team but Robin seemed to have forgiven them so they didn't say anything.Well anything in front of Robin anyways cause for the next month whenever one of them caught a team member alone, that member would most likely get another death threat and sometimes a punch on the face. But even those ceased in a matter of time and life was back to normal at Mount Justice...

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