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The Team and the League were fighting together because apparantely every single villain in the world had decided to team up to beat them. There were far more villains then there were superheroes but even so the superheroes seemed to be winning. And then finally,they defeated every single villain, or they thought they did. For when everyone was starting to celebrate-fist bumps,cheering etc.- one of the villains who was laying on the ground got his hands on a gun and pointed it directly at Batman. The only one who saw this was Robin and he was also the only one who realised that the bullet would go through Batman's suit.

"Batman,turn around!" yelled Robin but he knew it would be too late, so with a speed that would put the speedsters to shame, he pushed his mentor to the ground, but alas,he wasn't fast enough because the bullet lodged itself in his chest.

There was silence while everyone tried to grasp what happened until Robin started coughing up blood. Batman was there in an instant, trying to suppress the blood loss when suddenly Robin's small hands were on his own. At that moment,they all knew there was nothing they could do to help the bird. Robin then tugged at Batman's cowl and it was clear what he wanted.

So,Batman quickly took his cowl off then proceeded to do the same for Roin's mask resulting in them becoming Bruce and Dick.The younger's clear blue eyes that were once filled with joy met the older's dark blue ones. Both of them had tears on their faces.

"Bruce,I'm scared,it hurts."

"Go to sleep chum, I'll be there when you wake up, and Alfred will be there too. You won't be alone."

"I love you tati." said Dick with his final breath,closing his eyes for the last time. Most of the league and the team were in tears now,but Bruce was the worst of all. He had openly started crying while muttering "I love you too son.". Bruce didn't know how he could cope with this. The light to his darkness,the joy to his life, his son had died protecting him. How could Bruce live when the reason he kept going was dead?

Bruce woke up with tears in his eyes, and he had never been more grateful in his life that it was just a dream. But he had to check on Dick,just to be sure. So he quickly went to his son's room only to find it empty. Bruce was on the verge of panicking now when he heard some sounds from downstairs. There he found Dick in the kitchen drinking milk.And without any explanation, he hugged his son,not wanting to let go. They stayed like that for a few minutes, then decided to watch some movies, They soon fell asleep both happy to now the other was safe...

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