iv. clayface

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What the fuck. No, cause what the fuck.

Rowan stood outside Cadmus Labs with a grim look. There was a fire, obviously. But, all the firefighters were doing was making empty promises.

"Help! Get us out!" One of the two scientists trapped on the second story called out.

The firefighter yelled back using a megaphone, "Stay calm, we will get you out."

They didn't look like they were helping.

An explosion goes off behind them and the force of it pushes the two scientists out of the window. Kid Flash zooms up to them and forces them back onto the building so they wouldn't fall. But, doing so, led to him hanging off the ledge.

"It's–What's his name–Flash Boy!"

Rogue put her hand over her mouth to muffle her laugh. How nobody knew his name correctly was beyond the girl.

"Does he always run ahead?" Aqualad questioned, "We need a plan." He looked back at the two but found no one, "Robin! Rogue!"

Speaking of the girl, she was grappling to the window just as Robin did the same. She landed in a somersault with a small grin. Boy Wonder walked over to the computer, probably to hack, while she went around, opening drawers.

Rogue was flipping through some files when two thuds sounded, "Appreciate the help."

"You handled it."
"You're welcome."

Both non-supers looked at each other when they heard the other talk, Rogue glared into his eyes, while he held a smirk.

Robin began to speak once again, "Besides, you handled it."

"Poetic justice, remember?"

With that said, the four heroes started walking around, looking for anything suspicious. Rogue looked into a drawer of a desk and started to laugh, causing them to look at her.

The girl raised a magazine, "This guy has a secret stash of porn!" She saw Robin and Aqualad slightly turn pink as Kid Flash sped to her.

"Woah, let me see!" He started to flip through the pages when he noticed Rogue still looking at him with a raised eyebrow. The boy immediately threw the paper with a disgusted look, "Ew! I'd only look at a magazine if it had you, babe."

Rogue gagged, "You're disgusting."

"Disgustingly in love with you." This caused the girl to push his face away, but before she had time to retort, Aqualad spoke up.

"Guys." They all walked into the hall where he was, "There was something in the–"

"Elevators should be shut down," Robin spoke up, hitting his wrist and a computer pops up. He began to type something, "This is wrong."

Rogue squinted, "This is a two-story building, it shouldn't have an elevator."

Kid Flash looked at her, "What if somebody was amputated, you expect them to use the stairs?"

"Whenever you open your mouth, I feel like I'm losing brain cells."

"Guys!" Robin caught both of their attention, "This is a high-speed express elevator, it doesn't belong in a two-story building."

"Neither does what I saw."

Rogue figured that she liked Aqualad, he was calm and calculative. He was as if Aquaman and Batman had a child and then Oliver blessed him with some humor.

They all walked closer to the doors of the elevator and Aqualad pushed it open with his...super strength? Fish had super strength?

When he finally got it open, Rogue looked down, noticing how far down it was. The girl couldn't even see the bottom. She felt someone's hands on her shoulders, about to fake push her, but she quickly switched positions and leaned the person's head over the side. She held Kid Flash's arm behind his back, bringing him some pain for his stupidity.

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