xxii. joker

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Plants were overtaking the city–which was semi-cool.

The team was in the cave, spread out doing their own thing. M'gann and Superboy were with their new pet, Wolf. Artemis and Wally were probably arguing about random shit and Kaldur, Dick, and Rowan were all training.

Rowan was sitting on the ground, cross-cross-applesauce style, and calling out moves they should try. Aqualad was on the offensive, throwing punches, while Robin was dodging them.

"Always be on the offense, Rob!" Rowan yelled, snacking on some Reese's pieces.

Robin yelled to her while doing a back handspring to dodge another punch, "The best offense is the best defense."

The girl shook her head, "I still don't understand that saying."

Both boys stopped once they saw the clone and the alien walk in, smiling at each other. Rowan walked up to Dick and Kaldur with a smirk, "You know they're a couple, right?"

"I believe I knew before they did."

Rowan chuckled, "We all saw it coming."

They turned around, hearing footsteps from behind them. Wally and Artemis walked into where they were.

Robin spoke up, "Do we tell them?"

"It is not our place."

The girl shook her head, "Doesn't mean we can't make them uncomfortable and awkward." She called out to the two and ran over to them, "I heard a blonde and a redhead could make a kid with strawberry blonde hair."

"Eww, gross!"

Robin laughed, staring at the brunette who keeps capturing his attention. Kaldur watched how he stared at the girl. As if she hung up the stars and the moon. He would watch her every day if he could, Kaldur supposed.

The Atlantian nudged the younger boy, "Should I assume you know about your own fascination?"

Dick turned slightly red and looked up at him, "It's not a fascination."

"It's not?"

"No," Robin shook his head, "A fascination would assume that it's short-term; an obsession. I don't see myself getting over her that easily."

Kaldur hummed in understanding, "Then, don't miss your opportunity, Robin. A certain man once said, 'Opportunities are like sunrises. If you wait too long, you miss it."

Robin's voice lowered, "The man is wise."

The Atlantian boy laughed quietly, "The man is very wise, yes."

"Recognized Batman, B-0-2."

Batman walked into the cave, strutting toward the center of the room, "Computer, national news."

Everyone watched the screen show Cat Grant—the reporter—look worriedly into the camera, "The initial attack was short-lived. But Metropolis was only granted a short reprieve. And despite the intervention of Superman and the Justice League, there seems to be no end in sight."

Robin spoke, "Should we get out there?"

"No. The League will soon have the situation under control. That's not why I'm here." Rowan rolled her eyes at his 'mysterious' facade, "According to your intel, Sportsmaster supplied Cadmus's Blockbuster formula to Kobra."

"Who combined it with Bane's venom to create Kobra venom."

"Which the Brain used to create his animal army."

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