xxxviii. earth

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Blood. All she could see and smell was blood.

Roars from the crowd surrounded her. The beast in front of her growled through its bared teeth. Cuts and blood covered her face as she held the sword tightly in her right hand.

The woman ran forward with a yell and swung, barely missing the large bull.

This particular beast was a minotaur that bore gold armor and a horrible ego. He was angry, anyone could see. But, the woman he was fighting, almost never lost a fight.

She faked a left and swung right, cutting into his side, causing him to let out a growl. He quickly retaliated by pushing her into the wall.

Her back hit the brick with a grunt. She was getting sick of their back-and-forth game and decided to end it.

Her eyes met with a blonde boy in the stands. He was the only one that wasn't cheering, just carefully scanning over his best friend.

Thor was The God of Thunder, but he was still a child and still a prisoner. They both were stuck in Olympus' prison until the day they were killed. So, they fought to survive.

Thor began to squint his eyes, trying to tell her to end it, which she understood. They always had a silent understanding after all they went through.

The woman stood up with the sword in her right hand and a scowl on her face. She was sick and tired of this fowl creature.

She threw her hands out, "You think you can defeat me, Buchis?" The bull simply huffed and ran at her, causing her to side step with a small smirk, "You remind me of bulls on Earth. Stupid."

The minotaur saw only red as it sprinted at her, but as always, the woman already knew this. She pointed the sword out so he would run right into it, but what she wasn't expecting, was when he sidestepped that and scratched her side with his sharpened hove.

Blood started to coat her shirt and the crowd began to cheer as if she was a futbol game at home. This was life or death, no playing around.

She looked at the large beast closely. He clearly was terrified to die, but that's what gave him the strength to do it. So, she bet if she pretended to be scared and only play defense, he'd get cocky and mess up.

The warrior backed away with a mock scared face. The beast smirked slightly, walking forward to intimidate the poor girl. She was up against the wall now, breathing heavily. Her blood soaked her shirt and it was actually beginning to hurt finally.

She saw her sword right behind him and held back a smirk, "You think I'm stupid now, chica?" The beast taunted her, goating her to try something with him, which worked.

She pushed off the wall and dove in between his legs, getting behind him. The warrior grabbed her sword and without hesitance, stabbed him in the back, literally. Blood poured out of him, also getting some on her.

But, the weirdest thing happened. Instead of falling to the floor, his body started to disintegrate. Like, actually. His whole frame was getting dusted away until there was nothing left.

Her jaw grew slack, he was gone as if he was never there. She looked into the stands to see if she was the only one seeing this, but all she heard were screams.

ROGUE| DICK GRAYSONWhere stories live. Discover now