xlvii. desperate times equals desperate measures

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Rowan sat at the kitchen table, zoning out. She hadn't been surrounded by silence for a while, and she was going to appreciate every second of it.

She felt like she was supposed to be somewhere else. The girl should be back on Olympus, fighting till her last breath. But, she's back on Earth. 

Rowan used to crave vengeance from her father; craved it. She wanted him to pay for making her the monster she was. But, now? Now where she once craved vengeance; she now craves rest. 

Rowan was tired.

She was tired of fighting battles that weren't hers. She was tired of having to deal with everything. She was tired of not being able to sleep without weird messages from the gods. She was just tired.

The girl watched the boy out of the corner of her eye, scoot back the chair next to her, and sit down quietly. He didn't make her talk or try to fill up the silence. He just sat there.

The duo sat silently for what seemed like hours, quietly soaking up each other's presence.

"You don't have to be sorry for leaving." Her head turned slightly to see him staring at the fridge, "It's not your fault."

Rowan closed her eyes, pushing back the wave of emotions that came over her, "I know, Con."

"It's not your fault."

"I said I know."

Conner finally met her eyes and found hers to be empty. How can somebody that used to be filled with life, become empty? Where does it all go?

"What happened to your eyes?"

He watched as she sucked in a breath, thinking of the right words to say, "The Algea."

Conner's eyebrows furrowed, "Who's that?"

"The Algea were the personified spirits of pain and suffering--body and mind--, grief, sorrow, and distress." The two turned around to see a brunette woman with an outfit that resembled Wonder Woman's, "They were the bringers of weeping and tears."

"Troia," Conner greeted with a small smile, "When did you come in?"

"Today," Her blue eyes met with Rowan's ember, "I came for the girl."

The boy stood up, clearly not liking the idea, "Why?"

Rowan then followed his actions, standing up. She walked forward toward the woman, against Conner's facial expressions, "Is this about Olympus?"

The princess of the amazons nodded, "Yes, you are correct. My mentor, Wonder Woman, has not questioned you about the gods, causing me to do it."

"Woah, Woah," Conner shook his head, "You aren't answering anything, Row." He looked back to the princess, "Listen, I—"

"If she has questions, Superboy," She gave him a hardened glare, "I'll answer them."

Rowan stood in the open room of the cave. She just finished the questioning with Troia, but to her surprise, it was easy to talk about it with her. The princess knew everything she was saying, even answering some of her own questions.

"Everyone ready for training?" The brunette asked the group of superheroes. They all nodded, causing her to give them a tight-lipped smile, "Any volunteers to go first?"

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