xxix. fucking lapdogs

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"No, Dinah, I told her to fuck off."

Canary laughed at what Rowan said, "That's not right, Row."

"Then why'd you laugh, hmm?" The girl took another bite of her ice cream. Rowan sat on the kitchen counter and Canary sat on a chair in front of her, also eating ice cream.

Canary looked away, "I didn't laugh."

"Yes, you did!" 

The woman chuckled again, "Okay, fine! I did, but only because I wasn't expecting you to be so vulgar!" Rowan smiled at her motherly figure. She missed how they used to joke around like this and is glad they could before she left, "So, you wanna hear what happened this morning?" The girl nodded, licking the chocolate off her spoon, "Oliver and I walked into the cave, right? Batman and J'onn were waiting for us, watching a video on a small hologram." Canary took a bite of her ice cream as Rowan nodded along, "Batman turned it around and it was me and Conner fighting and it was normal until we kissed!"

"What!" Rowan almost spit up all her ice cream.

"I know! So, I kept telling Oliver that it never happened. But, the video kept playing and it was M'gann that shifted to look like me!"

Rowan's head fell back in laughter as she slapped her knee continuously. She wiped a tear from her eye, "That is so fucking funny!"

"But, that's not it! J'onn made an excuse saying it was normal on Mars and all that crap. But, I didn't want to wake up and see myself on the news for kissing a minor!"

"So, what'd you do?"

Canary smiled, "I marched right up to her room and knocked some sense into her!"

"No, you didn't!"

"You're right, I didn't." The two giggled like school girls, "I knocked on her door and told her it wasn't right to do it on Earth."

Rowan's smile widened, "You're a pussy, Canary."

"What? How!"

"If it were me? I would stride right into her room and knock her silly."

Canary quickly shook her head, "You wouldn't. It's M'gann, you would do nothing to hurt her."

Rowan stayed silent for a moment, thinking it over, "Fuck off."

The blonde laughed and threw away the ice cream container. Just as Rowan did the same, a voice came over the speakers in the mountain, "Robin, Superboy, Kid Flash, Rogue, and Miss Martian; report for mission briefing."

Rowan smiled back at Canary, "Duty calls, Dinah."

"Rumaan Harjavti is the democratically elected president of Qurac. Harjavti has been praised as a fair, wise leader. A humanitarian," Batman started off his speech about the upcoming mission.

Wally smirked and nudged Robin, "Sure, any friends of Bruce Wayne's." Rowan rolled her eyes and quickly nudged him with her elbow.

"But five days ago, Harjavti allied himself with the dictator of the neighboring nation of Bialya, Queen Bee."

"Huh, not a fan." Superboy decided to put his two cents in.

"Few are," Batman commented.

Rowan put her hands on her hips and jokingly said, "Is it because she's a strong, female woman?"

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