xl. the pit

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Rowan sat at the table, her head down in fright. 

She was at the table where the gods sat. Valerie sat next to her, gripping her hand. They arrived in Olympus about four hours ago. And, in those hours, they've been bathed, shaven, dressed, and looked like goddesses. Maybe this is what Eros meant.

While the servants were getting her ready, they taught her how she should act. Back straight, no slouching. Don't speak because you're afraid, talk because you're still alive. No talking with a mouth full. Never speak unless spoken to. Use your manners. No slouching!

Zeus sat at the head of the table with Hades, Athena, Hera, Valerie, and Rowan to his right. Eros sat at the other end of the table, next to the brunette. To Zeus's left were Poseidon, Aphrodite, Hermes, Hestia, and Ares.

The god of lightning stood with a golden cup in his hand, "Let's have this feast to congratulate a mortal whose destiny is to destroy anyone who stands in our way." All the gods cheered as Valerie's hand tightened around Rowan's, "Now, let's feast."

As everyone began eating, Rowan observed all the gods. She knew they all listened to Zeus, even if they were older. They were all-powerful, but they still listened to a man that saved some of them from their father.

Eros clinked his glass, causing everyone to look at him, "I'd like to thank you all for coming and hosting this. This plan has been in the works for centuries and I'm glad everyone could come together to see it."

"Well, if what you are saying is true, Eros. Then, we should all thank you." Athena winked at the man, making him grin with delight. Rowan's face couldn't help but display disgust. His aunt just flirted with him!

The mortal looked across the table to find Ares glaring daggers at the girl. The god of war had brunette hair that was slicked back with tanned skin, brown eyes, and a scar from above his eyebrow to his cheekbone. Rowan quickly felt intimidated but didn't allow herself to back down. If she was already going to die, so be it.

Ares looked toward Eros, "Are you sure this is the girl?"

The god nodded, "Yes." The man just huffed and went back to his food.

The meal was silent except for some chatter between Hermes and Hestia. That was until Aphrodite looked at her with a smile, "So, I know you just left Earth and all, but like, did you have a boyfriend?" She paused and winked, "Or girlfriend?"

Poseidon sighed, "Sister, I do not think that is necessary."

"Oh please, brother, I want to know!"

Rowan finally found her voice, "I-I did."

The goddess of beauty smiled giddily, "Oh, I love romance! I even birthed Eros, the god of love!"

Ares huffed a laugh, "Our son is delusional!" Zeus cleared his throat, causing everyone to go silent.

Athena rolled her eyes at her father and uncle, "Men." She looked back at the mortal, "And you love this human?" Rowan nodded, too afraid to use her words, "Tell me, Rowan. If he handed you a bloodied hand, would you take it only because it was his?"

The girl didn't hesitate as she answered, "Yes. I would kill myself over and over if it meant that he was alright."

Aphrodite awwed at her words, clasping her hands together, "Young love."

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