A Friendly Game of Clue

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Bruce x Reader

Bruce Wayne had been a friend of yours from school for a while, yet it still came as a surprise when he called you up on a Saturday to invite you to his house.
It came as an even bigger surprise what Bruce's idea of 'fun' was as you watched him sort endlessly through stacks of files and books.
"I, uh...look, I know you're still looking for your parents killer and everything, but...don't you think we can do something a little more interesting?"
He seemed to consider this for a moment before standing up and brushing the dust off his clothes. "Yes, how rude of me. What would you like to do, Y/N?"
Well, shoot. What exactly do you say when a famous billionaire asks you what you'd like to do for fun? In your mild panic, your eyes darted across the office space. They landed hastily on a shelf that was littered with...board games?
Bruce patiently awaited your answer but couldn't help following your gaze. "Ah, board games. Why don't we play one?"
Your posture relaxed and you nodded, following him over to pick one out.
"Which one shall we try first?" he asked, running his fingers along the fraying boxes.
"Well...which is your favorite?"
"To tell you the truth, I've never played them."
"Wait, wait...you're telling me that all this time you've been locked up in this manor, you've never thought to pick up one of the many board games you own?"
He pulled back and his cheeks grew red in the slightest bit.
This drew a sigh from your lips. "Okay, how about...candy land?"
Bruce furrowed his brow.
Ignoring your suggestion, he looked past you and laid a hand on one game in the very corner. "What's this?"
"Oh, that..." you began, inhaling a shaky breath, "that would be clue."
So ten minutes and a platter of hot tea later, you found yourself explaining a murder mystery to the boy who had basically experienced a real life murder mystery. Typical.
"...anyway, the object of the game is to find out who's the killer, what weapon they used, and where it happened."
Bruce kept a straight face as he examined the board and pieces "Let's play."
"Alright then."
"My first move as...Colonel Mustard...will be to..." he rolled the dice, "move towards the dining room."
"And I, Scarlet, will head to the kitchen."
Nodding, Bruce rolled again and entered the dining room. "Okay, so what is the next step?"
"Now you make a suggestion on who did it and how."
"Right...shouldn't I have some sort of evidence first, however?"
"All you have is your deck of cards. When you make suggestions, the other players reveals possible information they have."
"This seems a bit unrealistic."
You rolled your eyes. "It's a game, Wayne. Just make your accusation."
The two of you went on like this, arguing playfully over rolled dice and accused characters, whilst you tried to coach him on the rules. However, as the game began to wrap up, it was clear who the winner was to be.
"My final accusation is...Mrs. Peacock...in the study...with the candlestick," you announce. Then you grab the contents of the middle envelope to find that you're correct." "Cool, I won! Good game."
"Wait, wait...that's it? You win by making an accusation, then you just check to see if you're correct??"
"Yeah, something you apparently couldn't do."
"Seriously? Well, Miss Scarlet, I demand a rematch!"
"You're on, Mustard."

Author's Note: Okay, okay, so I was gonna publish this like 5 days ago, but I had written it on my iPad and where we're staying rn (I'm on vacation) had no wifi?? So I couldn't publish it (no data on my iPad). I finally just rewrote it word for word on my phone today which was painfully dull. Anyway, this prompt was given to me by TrappedInATextbox . It was a really cute idea! If anyone wants more Bruce Wayne, feel free to say so. If you have another request, say so. Next imagine will prob be Jerome tho since I miss that little psycho.

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