Halloween Bash

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Jerome x Reader

It's a big day. A big, big day. Specifically, Halloween. You and Jerome had been planning this for weeks, an over the top party for your boyfriend's favorite holiday.

You both dressed up as vampires, complete with bloody mouths that you had to paint onto each other just minutes before. Now friends from all over Gotham stream into your apartment door, happy and excited to be here.

Upbeat music blares from a corner of the room and yummy snacks sit at the bar patiently awaiting party goers. The lights have been dimmed to a low setting and every crevice is illuminated with an orange jack o' lantern's glow. One could not be more proud of a Halloween party...though you'd had to convince Jerome not to cause any chaos tonight.

As the last guest enters, Jerome shuts the door makes an announcement. "Good evening! I'd like to thank all of you for attending...I hope each and every one of you has a delightfully demented evening...!"

You bite your lip and grab his hand. "Also, please don't kill anybody!"

The crows laughs, but you know most of these people are not above murder. Just glancing at them all you see eye-popping sights. The magnificent Jervis Tech. The mayor and Edward Nygma...holding hands?? Barbara Kean and Tabitha. Some orphan girl that must have snuck in...

Jerome taps your shoulder and your thoughts scatter. "Hey Y/N," he says deviantly. "Guess what?"

You raise an eyebrow suspiciously. "You promised me no tricks tonight..."

He laughs without any restraint and, pulling you over to the window, says, "I know, princess, but come take a look."

The huge window on the other side of the living room usually provides the perfect, glowing view of Gotham at night, but something is wrong... As you are dragged over towards it you notice that it's completely dark, like staring into a black hole.

"Jerome, you did this...?"

He shrugs and smiles. "I couldn't resist doing something on Halloween night."

First you want to punch him, but something stops you. "Wait...our lights are still on. Wha-"

He kisses you to silence your thoughts.

"Jerome..." you mutter, staring out the window. "..what did you do?"

Every newspaper the next morning has a similar title, but the Gazette's is the one you first laid eyes on.

"The Mysterious Y/N" it reads. And beneath it:

"Y/N. That and a jack o' lantern's face was the only visible thing on Halloween night, last night. Illuminated in a building's window, while all other sources of power had been cut off. The culprit is unknown but it caused distress all across the city and........"

"JEROME VALESKA GET OVER HERE," you screech and he strides in from the bedroom, wearing a robe and yawning.

"I didn't picture myself waking up to the sound of my girlfriend yelling, but I suppose it was pleasant enough."

Shoving the article into his hands, you reply, "THIS is what you did?!"

He wiggles his eyebrows and grins, causing you giggle, though you try to hide it.

"Happy Halloween, Y/N!"

Author's Note: "I'm late/I'm late/For a very important date/No time to say 'hello,' goodbye!/I'm late, I'm late, I'm late"
Yeahhhh sorry for the huge delay in updates. It's just that midterm exams, and comic-con and halloween things happened...that's all I got in terms of excuses.
Also, sorry it was two Jerome ones in a row. You're probably sick of Jerome but he's my go to dude what can I say...?
LASTLY, I'm thinking of writing a Jervis Tetch imagine (I find the guy fascinating—did ya like my White Rabbit reference up there? ^^) so please give me your thoughts on that. Pleaseeee. If you do, I promise I'll write it by Halloween.
Peace out! ✌🏻️

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