Good morning

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Joker pov
I wake up warm for once, which means I can't be in the asylum because the floors there are as cold as Antarctica. I push myself up, and the blue silk sheets fall to my waist. I wince as the feeling of my broken rib comes back again. I look down to see it all wrapped up...and so is my wrist from all my....self inflictions. All my scars have been tended to and so have my bruises. Now I'm even more confused. I pinch myself, over and over, beginning to think this was all just a wonderful dream. I stop when I smell the bliss aroma of whatever is cooking. Still awestruck, I rise from the bed looking to the night stand, there's a card. "Your clothes were filthy, so I took them for a wash. Here are some purple shorts and a green tank top, you can wear these until you suit it finished. When you're done getting dressed breakfast should be ready"
Under the card we're the shorts and top, that's when I look down and realize I'm in my boxers. I stand up and put on the clothes and begin to make my way to the ajar door.

I open the door to see stairs leading down to this big room. I follow the stairs and inside this big room is a giant computer and tools and...a suit...the batsuit. Fear washes over me and I try to find the nearest exit. When I do, I bolt out and find myself in a lovely and quite massive home. "It must be Batman's home." I say to myself. I notice the grand staircase, and proceed to run down them. When I get to the end I notice the door, but before I bolt, A picture frame, sitting on the table, catches my eye. It's Bruce Wayne and some old guy. I pick up the frame and begin to look around the mansion, realizing this mansion must belong to Bruce Wayne. "Maybe they work together, maybe he makes the suits." I think to myself, "There is no way that rich boy could be Batman." As I continue to look around, I make my way to the kitchen. I haven't eaten in days so my hunger overrides my fear. I walk in to see a tall man, with dark hair, stubble, wearing dark sweat pants and a tank top making French toast and pancakes. I silently begin to walk in, being wary of the stranger. He turns off the stove and begins to plate all the food and set them on the table, then he notices me. "Oh, Good Morning, I didn't see you walk in, sit, breakfast is ready." He says in a deep, husky voice. I sit in the wooden chair hesitantly and he places the plate in front of me. My mouth begins to water and I devour the meal in front of me within seconds. "Hungry are we?" The man says with a chuckle. I give a slight nod, and continue to stuff my face more and more. Once I finish I take the time to study the man in front of me....he looks like the Bruce Wayne.

My mind then wanders as I study him closer, his build, his voice, him. I realize at that moment, he's Batman. I feel my stomach swirl, and my head flutter, thinking of all the possibilities what if he poisoned me. I fall out of my chair and begin hyperventilating. I try standing to get away, but I feel firm hands wrap around my arms and hug me. I push away and stumble, trying desperately to reach the front door. The stranger grabs me before I can reach it, and pins my arms behind me. "Calm down, what's wrong?" He says concerned. "Oh don't play coy Bruce, or should I say BATMAN." I yell. "You figured it out?! How?" He answers shocked. "When I woke up I saw your suit, and then the picture of you! Any wise guy could put two and two together." I responded. "Shit, I though I had put that up." He says frustrated. "What do you want from me? What you want to kill me bats? You want finally beat me? Couldn't do it fair? Had to poison me? hehehehehehahaha, was the food poisoned of something? have I been drugged?!" I scowl, trying to free my hands. "No Joker, I brought you here to help you, I was planning on telling you everything, I just...when I got you out of the asylum you were so hurt, and you fell unconscious, all your broken bones and scars....your wrist, everything...I had to help you." He says, choking up at the end. I look at him quizzically, would Batman want to help me. I scan my thoughts before I realize I've been silent awhile. "Why?" I finally say quietly. "Because...because I....,' he stutters, 'because I.....missed you" He finally says faintly.

I pause. My mind stops...everything stops. "Y-you wh-what?" I mumble. "I missed you" He says again, this time in a clearer tone. Our eyes meet, My heart stops, my brain stops, and I swear for a moment I stopped breathing. How is it possible, that HE missed ME. "What do you mean, you missed me, how could YOU miss ME?! I've been locked in that asylum many times before and you've never done this! I've been beaten, broken, threatened, and even contemplated my own death in that asylum, and you've never ONCE done this! You think you have me fooled bats, but I know you, your smart and this is a trick." I spit. He looks at me and stands up, pulling me with him. He takes me upstairs to the place I saw when I woke up. "This is the batcave, and that's the batcomputer. This is where I work along side my partner Alfred to stop the crime of the city. My name is Bruce Wayne and I'm the Batman. I'm telling you this because I trust you. I DID this because I trust you, because for some stupid reason you've made me feel something for you. A feeling I haven't felt since my parents died." He pauses,
"Look I really REALLY like you, but you don't have to stay. You can get your suit in the downstairs washing room and leave. I won't stop you." He says sternly, letting go of my hand. I look at him and realize that he's telling the truth, he cares about me....I don't know why, hell I don't even care about myself, but he does. "I'll stay." I say finally.
We both pause a moment.

I begin to walk back downstairs, I grab his hand and lead him back down to the kitchen. "You should finish eating, so you can make more pancakes because I'm starving" I say with a smile. He smiles and goes over to the stove, "I'll fix your pancakes first" He says with a grin on his face. While he fixes the food my mind wanders again, and then as I think I realize something, the feeling he was talking about....he loves me. All my years I've spent flirting with him, playing with him, loving our cat and mouse chases, being obsessed with the thought of him being next to me, for him to feel the same about I do him, the same way I have felt for years....has he felt the same too? All this time? "Ba-Bruce..." I say shyly, "yes." He responds. "I-I...." I try to to speak but I stumble. "I know, I love you too." He says, with a wink. I smile and watch him make pancakes.
I can't believe it.....he loves

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