What a View

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3rd Pov
Bruce and Joker clean up after having a mountain of pancakes for breakfast. Placing their dishes in the sink. After they are finished, they head up to the bedroom. They see their clothes left on the bed by Alfred. On the bed are two pairs of sweatpants, one purple and one black, accommodated by two tank tops, one green and the other black. Joker walks over and pick up their clothes handing Bruce his.

Bruce POV
"Soooooo...Sorry about the whole...sleeping in the same bed thing, it's just when I was cleaning you I saw all your bruises and scars and I-I was worried so I wanted to watch over you and I just wanted to make sure you were safe and warm but if you want you can have your own room, I mean it's not big deal if you want to sleep with me or if you don't, ya know whatever you want is fine and-"
"Haha it's fine bats calm down, you were warm." Joker says comically, cutting off my ramblings. "Well-gee thanks, but I mean do you wanna sleep with me or not-ah!! Um no pressure or anything..."*long awkward silence* "So ummm did you know the bat computer can search anyone I wanna find, even random civilians! In seconds! Also it can search for DNA in less than one minute, also it-" Joker just chuckles softly causing me to stop my speech....again. "Um what's so funny?" I say as heat fills my cheeks. He moves forward, towards my direction, my cheeks get hotter. He grabs my hand and pulls me close. "You, you're what's funny...when you're all shy. You're always so tough, so to see you this way is.....cute." He says planting a kiss on my cheek. He walks out of the bedroom to the bathroom, and I stand there in the doorway cheeks as red as tomato. I stand there for at least 5 minutes before being able to compute English again. "So I guess that means you don't want a second room then?" I say still frozen in the doorway, Joker walks out of the bathroom leaving his pajamas behind and walking to the doorway. He grabs my wrist making me drop my clothes and pins them to the sides of my body, bringing his body closer to mine. I swear my lungs forgot their functions and I was unable to breathe. "Like I said bats your warm, now why would I want to give that up? So we'll be bed buddies for now." He says smiling at the end. He lets go leaving me looking like an idiot as he walks back to the bathroom.

I can't talk, I'm still holding my breath, since when was Joker so...so...... dominant? I mean I knew he was always strong, he's taken hundreds of my punches, but...damn. I must have been standing there not saying anything for a while because Joker starts to speak again. "Awe cat got your wing bats?" He chuckles. "Um-uh-no-I just-um- yeah.." I try to speak, but all I do is stumble over my sentences. Yep definitely can't English right now. Joker just laughs and starts to slowly walk my way again. Oh shit he's gonna do something again....crap what do I do. My thoughts break when I feel a hand lace around mine. "Hey bats I think you should go put on your clothes, and then maybe, after I'm done in the bathroom we can go down stairs and watch some cools movies or chill and watch some Netflix, mmkay?" He says with his eyes flashing at me with those beautiful eyes. I once again fail to chronologically piece words together into a coherent language, so I just nod and walk to the bathroom and change.

When I close the door behind me I can feel the heat that was radiating off my body subside a little, I let out a breath and feel my brain begin to tic again. I'm sweating ALOT, damn I didn't notice. I peel off my pajamas and put on my other clothes. While doing so I find my mind starting to think of Joker, his hair, his face, that smile, and...those eyes, god I'd kill for him to look at me with those green eyes forever. I never knew someone was capable of making me melt with one look, and of all people Joker. He makes me blush, and all he has to do is look at me.
Once I calm down and get comfy in my sweats, I pick up Our Pjs and throw them in the dirty clothes chute that leads to the washing room. I walk out and hear noise coming from down stairs, Joker must have already started watching Tv. I make my way down the stairs and sure enough he's on the big couch watching an Avengers movie on the screen. A thought enters my head and I smirk, haha it's payback time.

I reach the last step, and being to walk over to him, when I reach him I turn and walk in front of the TV and just stand there with my arms crossed. Joker cracks a smile "Bats, baby, can you move please I'm missing the best part." He says in his joking tone. Him calling me baby is enough to send the heat back through my body, but I don't let it show. He notices and his tone changes, and so does his look. "Bruce move." He says in a deeper voice that still contains bits of his joking tone. He called me Bruce, so I know he means business. I falter and almost break my stance, and he can tell. He smirks and gets up from the couch making his way over to me. "Ya know Bruce, I actually didn't really like that movie. Plus this view is much better." He says with a playful smile on his face. "That movie was getting so boring, it's nice to get a change of scenery, and looks like this one is 3D." He says as he lifts my shirt, tracing my abs with his finger. Damn he's really laying it on thick, but I don't let my blush show, I just smirk. "I think I like my view better." I say in a deep gravely voice that sends a chill down Joker's back and freezes him in his tracks. This is my opening so I take it. "But ya know what would make this view even better?" I say my hand dancing towards Joker's neck, grabbing it and pulling him closer. "And what's that Bruce?" He says and I can feel the flirtation in his voice. I pull him real close, close enough for us to feel each other's heart beats. I lift his head so that his ear can reach my mouth, "This." I say in the deepest whisper possible. I look him in the eyes and see the curiosity in them. I pull his face close to mine and firmly press my lips against his. I feel his body tense and then slowly melt into mine. I slowly move my hand to his waist and my other in his hair. I feel him as he entangles his arms around my neck. Our kiss slow and passionate, as if it's something loooong overdue. When the kiss is finished I smirk and glance at my watch. "Oh would you look at the time, it's already 5 o'clock, time for dinner!" I say as I walk away towards the kitchen, this time leaving Joker frozen like a statue, with a hot face. I celebrate quietly in my head, having beat Joker at his own game.

When I reach the kitchen I open the cupboards and pull out the big pot, filling it with water, and placing it in the stove, preparing to make my famous spaghetti. As I start to make the tomato sauce I feel arms wrap around my torso. I spin around already knowing who it is and I'm met with a pair a lips on mine. I kiss back and he jumps up wrapping his legs around my waist. He pulls away leaving one last peck on my lips. "Two can play at this game Brucey." He says with a smirk. "Well then, I'm glad I can be player two." I say. He smiles and jumps down from my waist and he begins to help me with dinner, but before we get started with dinner I remember the question I was going to ask him this morning before I got....distracted. "He so um What's your name? Like what do I call you? I mean you don't have to tell me, I just don't want to keep calling you Joker." I say kind of embarrassed by the question. He doesn't seem bothered by it but the question does seem to irritate him in some way, "My name is Jack, Jack Napier," He voices, " Nice to meet you bats." He jokes with a smile on his face. "Bruce, Bruce Wayne," I say cockily, "but I guess you already knew that." I chuckle, he chuckles to. "Well nice to meet you sir!" He proclaims, grabbing my hand and giving it a kiss. I grab his and spin him around, then dip him into a kiss on the lips. "The feeling is mutual sir." I profess. He smiles and I lift him back up.
We finish dinner, and we eat together. Cracking jokes and acting like newly weds. It was a wonderful evening.

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