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⚠️ Semi- Smut Warning ⚠️

John POV
The honeymoon seemed to last forever, and it was was more than wonderful. It was magical. A whole week, spending all of my time with the man I love. I remember on Wednesday we went skinny dipping in the ocean. The water was cold, crystal clear, and a deep turquoise, with the refractions of the sun creating white lines at the bottom. I remember our last day especially. We did nothing but stay inside the shack blasting music loud enough for the ocean animals to hear. I remember that that's when I learned that Bruce was a avid Frank Sinatra fan. "My Way" came on and he sang it word for word. It was quite a sight, and it made me fall in love with him even more, which I didn't even think was possible.

When Beyonce came on I remember grabbing the couch blankets, turning them into a makeshift dress, and strutting through the shack, making up and entire choreography. We sang together. We slow danced together. We were high off life together. It was completely, and utterly, magical. Then of course the nights were just as magical as the days. We had sex every single night, and if I was a woman I'm sure as hell I'd be pregnant by now. He pulled my hair, and left a trail of hickies from my neck to my abs. He grabbed my throat, made me beg for him to fuck me "like the good little toy" I was. He tied me to the bed, where he fucked me non- stop until I came. On Tuesday, he blinded me, gagged me, and tied my hand behind my back. Then he fucked me, harder than he's ever fucked me before, so hard that my ass was sore the next morning. Our last night there, Bruce tied my hands to the headboard and sucked me off, deep throating even inch of my cock, until I came deep inside his mouth.

It was utterly unimaginable, and I wish it could've stayed that way. But of course it can't last forever, we left on Sunday, to both of our sorrow. However it wasn't entirely a sad thing, leaving the shack meant we could officially start our life together.

When we arrived at home, Bruce carried me, bridal style, from the jet to downstairs living room. "Hey guys! Welcome back!" A voice from the kitchen rang. "Good evening Master Bruce, so lovely that you are both back safe." Alfred says, with a smile. Bruce swings me around, and gently places me on the living room floor. I giggle, taking his hand and kissing it gently. "Well aren't you two just the cutest couple!" Dick says, walking out of the kitchen. "Oh hey Richard! I thought I heard you in there." I say, knowing that Dick doesn't like to be called Richard. "Ha ha very funny, you know that's not my name." Dick retorts. "Well on your birth certificate I believe it states, in permanent letters, Richard John Grayson sooooo if I'm not mistaken that makes your name Ri-"

"Ok ok yeah yeah." Dick says rolling his eyes. "I'm just teasing, if you wanna be called a dick then by all means, I'll call you a dick." I say laughing, with Bruce and Alfred trying to hold back laughter too. "Remind my ass when to laugh." Dick says pouting. "I'm only joking, in all seriousness Dick, I'm glad to see you. Thanks for looking after Gotham while we were gone." I say giving Dick a hug, and calling a truce. "No problem John, nothing major happened while y'all were gone just a couple of robberies here and there." Dick informs. That's when Bruce and Dick's watches start flashing. "Speaking of robberies, looks like there's another one happening right now." Bruce says. "Ok someone needs to make me one of those watches!" I pout in envy. "I'll go." Dick says headed to get ready. "But Dick-"
"Oh no, you guys just got back from your honeymoon, besides it's just another pointless robbery, I'll be back before you even have the chance to miss me." Dick says. "Be safe." Bruce says, a little uneasy. I can tell he's worried. "Dad, I was trained by the best, which is you. You have nothing to worry about." Dick says reassuringly.

Once he finishes putting on his suit he heads for the door. "I'll be back soon." And with that he grapples out of the door, into the Gotham night. Alfred closes the door behind him. "Don't worry Master Bruce, you know that Dick is more than capable." Alfred says. "I know, but he's like a son to me, I always get nervous when he goes out alone." Bruce says. I grab Bruce's hand and squeeze. He looks me in the eyes and I stare back. "He'll be find Bruce," I say, feeling his tense shoulders relax, "now let's go make some dinner."

* 45 Minutes Later *

Bruce POV
It's been 45 minutes and Dick isn't back yet. I'm really starting to worry, but I don't tell John, and plus maybe everything is fine, maybe he had something else to attend to, I say in my mind. "Bruce!" John screams. I jolt, snapping out of my trance. "Earth to Brucey, are you ok?" John asks. "Yeah of course! I'm fine!" I say. "Stop lying Bruce, what's wrong." John says, calling me out. "I'm worried out Dick, it's been 45 minutes and he STILL isn't back." I say. "Bruce, when you have to stop a huge bank robbery how long does it usually take?" John asks. "50 minutes to an hour." I mumble. "Exactly, it's only been 45, so breathe. Plus remember the robbery was on the other side of Gotham, and it takes 20 minutes to get there." John says, tying to soothe me. "Yeah your right, I'm freaking out over nothing. Anyways let's watch a movie!" I say cheering up, pushing Dick out of my mind. "Now you're speaking my language bats!" John spouts enthusiastically.

We leave the kitchen and make our way to the living room. We sit on the couch, with a big blanket, and turn on Hulu.

* 20 Minutes Later *

"Master Bruce!! MASTER BRUCE!!" Alfred screams, rushing through the door. John and I startle awake, untangling ourselves from under the blanket. "Yes Alfred, is something wrong." I mumble, groggy. "Master Bruce I'm terribly sorry to tell you this, but something bad happened." Alfred says worry in his eyes. I look over to John, who is also alert and concerned by now. "Alfred what happened...." I ask, unsure if I'm ready for the answer. "Master Bruce I simply don't know how to tell you this.." Alfred says looking off.
"Alfred! What happened!" I say, getting more uneasy.
"It's Dick...something happened to Dick"

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