Hands Off

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*A few weeks has passed*

Jack POV
I wake up feeling the warmth of the the sun beams that shoot through the curtains. I stretch, noticing a pair of arms wrapped around my torso. I start smiling and begin to turn around, meeting a pair of beautiful brown eyes. I grin taking his hand in mine. "Good Morning." Bruce says, his voice gravely and lazy. "Good Morning babe, how long have you been awake?" I ask planting a kiss on his forehead. "Not long, maybe a minute." He responds, squeezing my hand and smiling. I start moving, and sitting up only to be dragged back down and wrapped tighter in Bruce's arms. "No don't go. Stay. Your warm." He says groggily. I smile, "Bats I would love to stay in your arms and stare at your chocolate brown eyes forever, but we're naked and we need to shower." I say winking at the end. He smirks and peels the comforter off, standing up and grabbing me, carrying me bridal style to the bathroom.
3rd POV
Jack and Bruce spend the day lounging in their pajamas, they cook breakfast together and then go outside to the garden where Jack officially meets Alfred. They watch superhero movies at first and Jack pretends his blanket is a cape, being constantly loud, talking about how sexy Thor is. When it's Bruce's turn to watch movies he turns on detective stories, his favorite being Law and Order SVU. Bruce watches the show, analyzing the suspects, and the clues, guessing who had done it perfectly each time. Jack looked at Bruce amazed, I mean it was astonishing, the way Bruce's mind worked and how fast it worked, how fast his lips would recite the evidence over and over, like a broken record. Jack just sat on the couch, watching his boyfriend perfectly complete and solve the sexual assault cases that were presented on the TV. Jack slowly got up from the couch, leaving Bruce to his detective work. He walked into the kitchen and started to prepare dinner, Jack was making his famous homemade pizza tonight.

~An hour passes~

Jack places the pizza on two plates, and then taking two wine glasses, he turns to the wine cabinet and pours two glasses of Moscato d'Asti. Jack grabs the plates and the glasses and places them on a tray, he takes the tray into the living room, where Bruce is still solving cases, and places the tray on the living room table. Bruce finally snaps out of his detective mode and looks down at the dinner Jack has prepared for them, he smiles kissing his boyfriend on the lips and sits down to enjoy his meal. After a while a noise sounds from upstairs, Bruce sighs and his demeanor changes, visible dread washes over Bruce's body.

Jack POV
Bruce stands up and runs up stairs, I follow closely behind. He turns into our room and opens the other door that lead into the bat cave. The lights come on and he walks into a container and comes out seconds later in his bat suit. Not gonna lie he looks sexy as hell, I think quietly to myself smiling. Bruce then runs up the other flights of stairs to the batcomputer. "Good Evening Master Bruce, I'm sorry to have to disturb you at time like this but Cobblepot and his thugs are at the Gotham bank, and they seem to be spring cleaning a bit early." Alfred says, his hands behind his back, in a thick British accent. Batman chuckles deeply, "Well I guess it's time for me to tell them spring isn't until next year." Batman says pressing a couple of buttons triggering a loud noise from the back of the cave. I look over, "Is that a fucking jet?!!" I beam, Batman smiles, "Yes it is, I have a jet and a car and a whole arsenal of gadgets, in fact my belt itself is a gadget, it electrocutes anyone who touches it if it not me, or my family." Batman says motioning to his belt. I'm quite impressed with all his tech, but I feel as if I can be of service. "So Bats how can I help, do we have a plan on how we're gonna stop ole Cobblepot?" I ask. Batman's expression changes, "Actually Jack I wanted you to stay here, stay safe, I'd never forgive myself if something happened to you." Batman says his voice becoming choppy towards the end. I look a little hurt, I mean I get his intentions, but I wouldn't be able to forgive MYSELF if something happened to Bruce, he means the world to me and I....I'm scared...for him. "Ok Bats....just...don't get your wing in a jam ok?" I say half heartedly joking, trying to smile through my worry. Batman walks over and grabs my face, placing a kiss on my lips, "I'll be back. I promise." He says, planting one last kiss on my lips before turning around and entering the Bat jet.

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