Wedding Day Pt. 2

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John POV
The doors glide open, and I step inside. Everyone immediately turns around to look at me. I feel my heart begin to quicken...I've never had so many people staring at me all at once. I begin to feel uneasy, and my body starts to burn from the pressure. Until I see him. Bruce. Tall and handsome, in a beautiful black suit that fits him more than perfectly. Our eyes meet, and I suddenly feel all the anxiety and tension leave, just as quick as it came. I smile and give him a wink. He quietly chuckles to himself and smirks. It's then that I know, that no matter what, I'll be ok.

I begin to walk slowly down the isle, never removing my gaze from Bruce, and Bruce never removing his. The music is loud, but I can't hear it. There are people who are trying to get my attention, but I don't see them. I don't feel anything, see anything, hear anything, except for the heartbeats of Bruce and I, from opposite sides of the room. And it's weird because for a second it's as if.....they are beating in sync.

When I finally make it to the alter, Selena gives me one last hug and hands me to Bruce. We grab hands, and my face instantly lights up. Alfred begins his speech,"We are gathered here today to join these two wonderful men in holy matrimony. I personally have known these two for awhile now and couldn't be more honored to be the marriage officiant of this wedding. Before I begin I'd like to say this. Bruce I know it hasn't always been easy for you growing up, I know about your loss and about your heartbreaks. I even know about things that you think I don't know about. Like the nights you'd cry in your room not knowing how to solve a problem in Gotham, or the countless nights you'd stay awake to hide from the nightmares about your parents. When you would tell me "I'm fine Alfred" I knew you weren't. Bottom line, I've been through everything that you have ever went through, and I have always wished the best for you. Now that your so happy and with someone you love, I couldn't be prouder. I know I could never replace your true parents, but I wanted to thank you for being the son I never had." Alfred finishes his speech leaving the whole room, plus himself, in tears.

Bruce grabs Alfred's shoulder, pulling him into a hug. "Al, you have always been someone I could look up too, and I'm proud to call you my father." Bruce croaks. Alfred chuckles and lets go. "Well moving on with the ceremony, these two have made their own vows that they would like to share with each other so we'll start with Bruce.

"Ok...ummmm...for starters, can everyone stop staring at me." The crowd chuckles and Bruce loosens his tie a little. I squeeze his hand as reassurance and he smiles, taking a deep breath.
"All my life I thought I was going to be alone and unhappy, I thought because I had lost my parents that I would never be capable of loving anyone....but then I met you. And you changed me forever. Thank you for being my laughter, when all I wanted to do is cry. Thank you being the light in my life, when all I wanted to do was die in the darkness. Thank you for rescuing me, and becoming my world. Lastly thank you for showing me how broken I truly was, and then helping me put myself back together. I love you and I can't wait to share this life together." Bruce finishes, smiling, with us both in tears.

"Ok my turn to make you cry." I choke making the room laugh. "Bruce, as you know my past hasn't....been the best. I use to be a villain..I use to kill and blow up a loooooot of shit. Basically I use to be crazy, and angry, and sad, and alone, and I use to not have you. Now I do. And it's because of you being in my life, that I have changed. I am no longer alone, I no longer need Harley to feel validated or wanted, and I'm no longer a worthless shell like I used to be. I am myself again. I am Truly myself again, but I couldn't be myself, without you. You are a part of me in every way, I wouldn't be able to function if you were not with me. My mornings would be dull, and my dinners would be boring without you there to make them interesting. So I want to thank you for giving me my life back, for being the sunshine that I long thought I had lost. I can't wait to begin our life together, and I can't wait to be your husband." I say looking deep in Bruce's soft eyes. The whole crowd awes, and I can see Selena trying not to ruin her makeup, with the salty tears.

"Well, those two statements definitely sum up how you two feel about each other, and how strong the love is between the two of you. So without further ado, please present the rings." Alfred orders. The doors open and our two beautiful doggies come trotting in with our rings on their backs. John bends down to take Bruce's ring from Karla, and Bruce takes John's from Damian. "Ok Bruce, take John's ring and place it on his left ring finger." Alfred instructs. Bruce smoothly glides the ring on to my finger with a smile. "With this ring, do you Bruce Wayne take the John Doe, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for as long as you both shall live, till death do you part?"
"I do." Bruce says confidently. I smile.
"Perfect. John now your turn. Place the ring on Bruce's left ring finger." I do as told. "Now do you, John Doe, take the Bruce Wayne, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for as long as you both shall live, till death do you part?"
"Even in death. I do." I say with a single tear cascading down my face. "Well in that case, in the eyes of all attending, and to the rest of the world, I now pronounce you man and man. Husband and Husband. You may kiss the groom." I look up at Bruce and he looks back, and we stare at each other for a quick second, before our lips touch into the sweetest kiss I have ever felt in my life. The crowd erupts with cheer and excitement, but Bruce and I just melt into the bliss of the moment.


After the wedding reception Bruce and I are practically thrown into the limo that's going to take to the airport for our honeymoon. I try to wave goodbye and hug everyone before we leave, but Selena and Alfred keep pushing us. I decide to give up trying and the car doors close.  "You ready babe?" Bruce asks. I place a gentle kiss on his forehead. "I've been ready since the moment I laid eyes on you."

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