Silence P1

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I know this literally has nothing Jaydick in it, but it's important context for part 2

Dick stumbled and grabbed his head as a headache pounded his skull.

"Nightwing, what's wrong?" Bruce asked, stopping next to his oldest.

"I'm fine..." Dick replied, steadying himself. "Just a headache."

"Do you need to go back to the cave?" Bruce asked resting one gloved hand on Dick's shoulder.

"I'll be fine," Dick replied quickly, not wanting to miss out on the rest of patrol.

Bruce nodded, turning and continuing on the patrol route.

Over the course of the night Dick found that his headache only seemed to be growing worse, progressing into a full blown migraine.

Eventually Dick could barely keep up with Bruce, stumbling his way across rooftops and swinging clumsily from building to building.

"Nightwing," Bruce said, steadying Dick when he stumbled after a particularly rough swing.

"I... I'm... 'm f-f-fine..." Dick said, falling into Bruce's arms.

"Nightwing, Nightwing what's wrong?" Bruce asked, panic seeping into his voice.

"Nnnn... head hurts..." Dick mumbled quietly.

"We need to get you back to the cave," Bruce said quietly, cradling his son to his chest.

Dick groaned when he woke up to the familiar sound of his ringtone, his head throbbing just as intensely as the night before. He cracked one eye open, but quickly closed it when pain spiked in his head. He was in the manor, which meant Bruce must've taken him there after he collapsed during patrol the night before.

The ringtone continued to blare, and Dick grabbed the phone and answered the call. "Hello?" He said groggily.

"Grayson, chief wants to know where you are. You were supposed to be in for work an hour ago," Dick's partner, officer Bentley asked.

Dick sighed, wishing his head would stop pounding. "Sorry, I got stuck in Gotham, but I'm on my way back," he said, hoping he'd get off easy on this one.

"Fine," Bentley huffed. "I'll make up some excuse, but you owe me one," he said, ending the call.

Dick let his arm flop back onto the bed as he groaned. Getting up to go to work was just about the last thing he wanted to do, but he knew Blüdhaven's chief of police had already given him more days off than he should've, so he fumbled around until he managed to grab his sunglasses, slipping them on before he opened his eyes again.

This time the sunlight only caused a slight increase to the pounding of his head, so he carefully stood and began to get ready for work.

When Dick finally made his way downstairs he hoped Bruce would be at work or something, but alas, his luck was far too bad for that to happen.

"How are you feeling?" Bruce asked, noticing how Dick tried to wipe the sweat from his forehead as inconspicuously as he could.

"I'm fine," Dick said, wishing for a moment that Bruce would show some of his patented Batman apathy right now instead of acting like a mother hen like he'd been doing ever since Jason's death.

"Are you sure," Bruce asked. "You were pretty sick last night. It's ok for you to take the day off."

"I said I'm fine," Dick snapped causing his head to throb. "I'm fine," he repeated quieter. "Besides. I shouldn't ask for more time off, chief might fire me."

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