Life takes and takes and takes... and gives

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That moment in YJ season 1 when Cadmus tries to make clones of Robin, KF, and Aqualad... and Robin's like, "pass, Batcave's crowded enough"...

If only he knew...

Also this chapter is dedicated to i-rob-maybanks for helping me decide on a name for one of the characters... I forgot to add this in the first time around lol...

Dick coughed violently as he ran through the burning house, searching for any survivors. The house looked like it could collapse any minute, and the fire department was still stuck across town.

Panicked calls for help came from a nearby room. The cries of a baby mixing with the sound of a woman's sobs. Dick followed the noise, eventually finding a woman desperately clutching her child to her chest.

The woman's legs were trapped under a burning beam, and tears were streaming down her face.

"My baby," the woman sobbed. "Save my baby!"

"Keep calm Ma'am," Dick said gently. "I'm going to try and get this beam off of your legs so I can get you and your baby out of here.

The woman gave Dick a shaky nod, trying to remain calm as he lifted the beam off of her legs.

Dick grimaced when he saw the angle that the woman's burnt legs were twisted to. "I think your legs might be broken... Hold onto your baby as tight as you can and I'll carry you both out of here," he said, trying his best to sound calm and reassuring.

The woman let out a quiet sob, looking over to the still form of her now dead husband. Tears filled her eyes, but she gave Dick a nod and hugged her baby tightly to her chest.

Dick scooped the two up as gently as he could and started rushing towards the nearest exit, ignoring his lightheadedness and the burning of the flames that surrounded them.

The cool air outside the burning building felt like a soothing balm on Dick's blistered skin. "Help," he croaked as he made his way toward an ambulance that was just arriving. "These two need help!" His vision blurred and his lungs burned, but he kept going, pushing through the crowd to the paramedics.

A few other officers ran to Dick's side, one taking the woman from his arms, and the other steadying him as he swayed on his feet.

"Woman... baby..." Dick mumbled, slumping into his fellow officer's arms as he finally succumbed to unconsciousness.

Dick opened his eyes, feeling an oxygen mask secured over his mouth and nose.

A paramedic was finishing wrapping some of Dick's more serious burns, and he helped Dick into a sitting position when he saw that he was awake.

Dick's brain felt foggy, like everything was registering in slow motion. He could hear his fellow officers trying to keep order, and the fire engines spraying water over the flames. But over it all he could hear the sound of a baby crying.

"Officer Grayson," the police commissioner said, a note of solemnity in his voice. "Thank you for your bravery earlier tonight in rescuing those two civilians... unfortunately... unfortunately the woman didn't make it."

Dick sucked in a startled breath. The woman hadn't made it... that meant she was... no... she was gone.

As if his body had a mind of its own, Dick stood numbly. He ignored the calls of the paramedics to come lie back down and instead removed his oxygen mask and made his way to the officer holding the baby boy he'd rescued earlier that night.

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