Silence P2

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I finally got over my latest bout of writer's block and managed to finish this chapter. Enjoy

Jason walked up behind Dick who was working on the cave's computer. It had been about a week since he'd started hanging around the manor more, and he'd finally gotten up the courage to talk to the oldest again. "Hey Dick, how's patrol been recently?" He asked, going for a tone of nonchalance.

Dick's gaze remained fixed on the computer screen, so Jason asked again, a bit louder this time.

When there was still no response Jason grabbed the back of Dick's chair and spun it around to face him.

Dick's eyes widened as he was spun around to face a very angry looking Jason. He could tell Jason was shouting from the way his brows were scrunched and his face was slightly red, but the shouting made it hard for Dick to make out what the younger was saying through reading lips alone.

Jason continued to rant for a few minutes, even turning and pacing at one point. He finally stopped and stared at Dick expectantly, as if he expected an answer to some sort of question.

Dick stared back for a moment, furrowing his brows and opening his mouth for a second before closing it. He glanced around the room desperately, looking for someone who could translate his ASL to English for Jason, but nobody was there.

A sudden idea had Dick turning around and typing out on the computer, 'I'm sorry Jason, but I'm deaf so I can't understand you.' He turned around when he was done typing only for Jason to be nowhere to be seen.

Jason shouted in frustration and threw himself down on the manor's roof. He slammed his fist down on the shingles, hissing when it stung.

Why was Dick suddenly ignoring him? Sure he hadn't really been the best person recently what with the murdering and randomly attacking members of his family and all, but he was trying to tone that down.

Jason bit his lip. Dick was definitely the most loving and forgiving of all his siblings... and if he wouldn't forgive him then maybe he wasn't worth forgiving... maybe he'd gone to a point that was just too far to come back from.

Tears threatened to spill over in Jason's eyes, but he held them in. He didn't care what Dick thought of him... Right?

Dick was on patrol when he noticed a seedy looking group of men and women heading to do something that was most likely illegal.

The group was small, 7-8 people most, so Dick decided to follow them, reasoning that he could totally take down a few thugs by himself. This wasn't anything he'd need to call in.

Dick followed the group all the way to a a sketchy looking alley where a man waited with a trunk stashed full of what were most definitely drugs.

The thugs seemed to be trying to strike some sort of a deal, but before the money could change hands, Dick swooped in, knocking one of the guards off his feet and into the dirt.

The rest of the group waisted no time jumping on Nightwing, simply trying to get some sort of hit in where they could.

Dick fought them back, managing to knock most of them out before more men came streaming in from the alley's entrance.

The reinforcements surrounded Dick, brandishing knives, crowbars, and various impromptu weapons.

Dick continued to fight, but he was slowing as he took blow after blow, trying to dodge the more lethal ones while regretting his decision to come after the group by himself.

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