Talons kill people sometimes

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Would y'all prefer shorter more regular updates like 100-300 words every day or like longer ones once per week?

Anyway... More talon Jaydick as requested by the amazing timdrakeisnotwhelmed ... enjoy... if you want to that is

"Love you," Jason said placing a kiss on Dick's forehead.

Dick wrapped his arms tightly around his boyfriend's torso, burying his head in the taller's chest. "Do we have to split up?" He asked, his voice muffled.

"You'd think those two were conjoined twins not simply boyfriends," Damian mumbled.

"It's just for patrol," Jason said, running a gloved hand through Dick's soft curls. "If we hurry it'll only take a few hours."

Dick sighed, but let go of Jason, wrapping his arms around himself to help keep himself warm.

"Call in for a status report in 30 minutes," Bruce instructed. "Wing I expect one from you in 15 since we don't know how much of an effect that fear toxin you got hit with last night had on you."

"I'm fine B. Just feeling slightly more anxious that's all," Dick argued.

"15 minutes," Bruce said, swinging off into the night.

One by one all the batboys swung off to patrol their own section of the city.

Dick's heart rate picked up when he saw the blinking emergency beacon. His panic really picked up when the coordinates appeared to be in Jason's sector for patrol. He tried to keep himself calm as he raced towards what he assumed was Jason's location, but despite his best efforts his eyes started to glow brighter and he started to loose the grip on the control he'd previously had.

Tim and Damian happened to arrive at near Jason's location at the same time. They scowled as they scoped out the area together.

There seemed to be around 20 well armed henchmen in addition to the one man in charge.

Jason was being held up by his wrists by a hulk of a man while another man beat him with a crowbar.

Tim and Damian quickly tried to figure out some semblance of a plan, knowing they wouldn't be able to take on all of the thugs on their own, many of the men looking extremely comfortable with the weapons in their hands.

Suddenly Dick came running across the building, leaping over Damian and Tim and landing on the ground in a roll.

"Wing! What are you doing?" Tim whispered yelled.

The other didn't seem to hear as he walked out of the shadows with a glinting knife in his hand.

Jason's startled attackers quickly began to draw their weapons, firing at Dick as he rushed towards them.

None of their bullets seemed to be able to hit the acrobat as he cartwheeled and flipped through the air.

Tim and Damian jumped down, ready to help their reckless brother take down the thugs, but they froze when they watched Dick sever a head from its body.

One by one Dick took down each man, blood spraying across his suit and face and pooling to cover the ground.

Tim paled, looking like he might throw up. While Damian grabbed on to his side with a quiet whimper.

When Dick was finished he stood there completely still as Jason used the wall to help himself stand.

Jason's brows furrowed as he gazed at the carnage before him. There was no one left alive.

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