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Dick mindlessly scrolled through the list of files on the batcomputer as he sipped on the hot chocolate Alfred had brought down for him, not knowing what else to do with his time.

A file named Young Justice appeared at the bottom of the screen and Dick's curiosity was piqued. He took another sip of his his coco and hovered the cursor over the file, looking around the cave.

Jason was sitting a few feet away reading a book, but other than that the cave was empty.

Dick clicked to open the file. He scrolled past Bruce's standard contingency plans, rolling his eyes at just how typical it was for Bruce to have plans to take out each teen hero on the team.

The document didn't contain very much interesting information, but when Dick reached the bottom he noticed a few notes that seemed like some semblance of a budget.

Dick's eyes flicked lazily over the different numbers denoting how much had been paid to fix damages and to purchase food and such.

The costs listed seemed to all be ones you'd expect to find, except for the very last thing on the list. Dick took another long sip of coco before glancing at what had been typed at the very bottom of the page.

Coco sprayed from Dick's mouth and out his nose as he read the final item on the list. His body shook with coughs and laughter simultaneously, making him fall out of his chair and onto the floor.

"You alright?" Jason asked, coming to kneel at his boyfriend's side.

Dick coughed violently, clutching at his shirt with one hand as tears gathered in his eyes. "The *cough cough* list," he wheezed, still laughing.

Jason looked up at the computer screen, reading through the list. A small smile found its way onto his face when he read, 'Superboy's T-shirts — $635.24'.

Dick's coughing had calmed somewhat, but he was still laughing loudly. "He... he ruined so many of those shirts... needed a new one after almost every single mission," he got out between fits of giggles.

Jason shook his head, grabbing his boyfriend and swinging him over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. "Come on mister. I think you've been awake for too long," he said, carrying the laughing acrobat up to bed.

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