Jason to the rescue

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Help me please I need more ideas...

Also fair warning Jason gets a bit creative with his metaphors.

"H-h-hey," Dick sniffled into the phone.

"What's wrong Bluebird?" Jason asked on the other end of the call.

"Can you come get me?" Dick asked quietly, another sob catching in his throat.

"Of course," Jason soothed. "You're at the manor?"

"Ya," Dick mumbled.

"Was it something with Bruce?" Jason asked.

Dick let out another quiet sob, wiping at his tears with the back of his hand.

Jason's breath hissed out from between his teeth. "Of course that ostrich said or did something like the slime he is," he muttered under his breath. "I'll be there as soon as I can Dickiebird... and when I get there I'm going to have a talk with B."

Jason greeted Alfred at the door of the manor with a smile and a hug before marching of through the manor on his war path. He was going to find Bruce and give that onion of a man a piece of his mind.

Bruce was lounging in his office, typing away on his keyboard when Jason found him.

"What did you say to him?" Jason growled, folding his arms over his chest.

Bruce looked over to Jason. "I assure you I have no idea what you're taking about," he said nonchalantly.

Jason rolled his eyes. "Oh I don't know, maybe the fact that Dick called me in tears pleading for me to come take him away from here. So I'll ask again. What did you do or say to him?"

"It was just an argument. We have them all the time," Bruce said, turning back to his computer screen.

Jason marched up to Bruce's chair, spinning it around and staring the man in the eye. "I'm going to make this very clear you emotionally constipated sea slug. Your eldest son has feelings and if you hurt them again I will hurt you. I don't care that you're Batman. You're the one with a no killing rule not me. Remember that," he snarled, turning and making his way up to Dick's room.

Dick was sitting on his bed with silent tears dripping down his cheeks.

Jason walked to his boyfriend. "I'm sorry I left you to deal with B by yourself," he said, kissing Dick softly on the forehead.

Dick leaned into the touch.

"I tried to talk some sense into him, but honestly it's like trying to get a cinderblock to float... For the greatest detective he's rather clueless sometimes," Jason said, pulling Dick up and into a hug.

Dick pressed himself close to Jason letting out a ragged sigh.

Jason caught a glimpse of something on Dick's cheek and he backed up, his thumb ghosting over the bruise that was blooming on his boyfriend's cheek. "Was this..."

Dick nodded, remembering when Bruce had hit him during their argument earlier that day.

"That salty skittle... I'm gonna..." Jason trailed off when he saw Dick's face. Violence wouldn't help... at least it wouldn't help right now. "Let's get you home Dickie."

Dick looked up at Jason. "Thanks for coming to get me," he mumbled.

"I'll always come when you need help," Jason said, resting his forehead against Dick's.

"You sure it wasn't just because I was crying," Dick said teasingly.

Jason chuckled. "I came because I love you and you needed me."

Dick sighed. "You're too good to me," he said quietly.

"Nothing's too good for you," Jason replied, kissing Dick on the nose. "Now let's get going before I decide to see if the oven is big enough to fit Bruce inside of it."

Dick chuckled quietly. "I love you Jay," he said.

"Love you too," Jason replied.

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