Lost and found

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Nobody who knew Jason would ever expect to find him curled up on his bed snuggled up in Dick's largest hoodie.

But that was exactly where he was... where he had been in fact for the better part of the last week.

Jason sniffled and buried his nose in the hoodie. It smelled like the coconut shampoo Dick usually used and that made him smile just a bit.

The smile however was short lived and slightly bitter. How could it not be when Dick had been missing for so long?

A week ago was when Bruce had officially given up the search and forced Jason to as well. They'd finally started planning the details of Dick's funeral service, and that had really been the thing to break Jason.

As Jason continued to lie on the bed that seemed much too big for him alone he heard a knock on the door to his apartment.

Jason turned over in the bed so his back was facing the door, as if that would somehow make whoever was there to see him go away.

The knocking came again, and again Jason ignored it. He didn't care who was at the door. He just wanted to be left alone, slowly being devoured by his depression.

A third knock.

Jason began to wonder if whoever this was would ever go away.

A slight clicking nose echoed through the otherwise silent apartment, followed by the creaking of the door opening.

Jason tensed slightly, but he soon came to the conclusion that it was probably just a robber or something and he relaxed back onto the bed. He didn't care if someone came and took all his money.

The door to the bedroom opened and Jason sighed. He was not in the mood to deal with anyone right now.

Jason made no attempt to turn around and see who had just entered his room.

There was a quiet gasp from the person in the doorway when they saw the state Jason was in.

"Jay?" A voice called.

Jason's breath caught in his throat. That sounded like... no... it couldn't be. He turned over, his breath catching in his throat.

Dick was standing there in the doorway.

Jason leapt out of bed, desperately rushing towards his husband. He stumbled once but jumped up again, crashing into Dick's arms and wrapping him in a very tight hug.

Dick winced as Jason hugged him, barely keeping himself from falling over.

Jason sobbed Dick's name over and over, grabbing fistfuls of his shirt and holding the slightly shorter man as close as he possibly could.

Dick rubbed gentle circles on Jason's back. "Shhh it's  alright. I'm here. I'm not going anywhere," he soothed.

"I-I missed y-you so m-much," Jason got out through sobs.

Dick loosened his hold on Jason, holding the other at arms length. "Jay..." he said sadly, seeing that Jason hadn't been taking care of himself very well... not recently at least.

Jason looked away, slightly ashamed.

Dick slipped a hand into Jason's and pulled the younger to the kitchen.

Jason glanced over his husband as they walked into the other room, noticing the pained and unbalanced way Dick was walking.

Dick was clearly injured, but he was heading towards the kitchen to take care of Jason first.

Jason allowed himself a small watery smile at just how self-sacrificing Dick was before tugging them towards the bathroom where they kept their medical supplies.

Dick smiled at Jason. That brilliant smile that felt like a ray of sunshine cutting though the fog of grief and hurt Jason had accumulated over the past few months. "That obvious is it?" He asked.

Jason attempted a smile, not nearly as bright as the one Dick wore, but to his husband it meant the world. "You never were very good at hiding things from me," he said, watching as Dick removed his bloodied shirt and cut away part of one pant leg as well as his boot.

"This leg's broken. And this is a knife wound," Dick stated, lying down on the bathroom floor, content to let Jason take care of him for now.

Jason worked quickly, cleaning and stitching closed the wound on Dick's upper chest before setting and applying a cast to the leg.

Dick watched Jason lazily the entire time, and when he was finally all patched up he held up his arms almost like a child.

Jason chuckled and helped Dick up, acting as a human crutch.

Dick led them to the kitchen where he made Jason sit as he hopped around the kitchen preparing something for the younger to eat.

"You don't have to cook something for me," Jason said. "I'm fine."

Dick turned a light glare on Jason. "You need food Jay," he admonished, turning back to whatever he was making.

About an hour later a spread of food was set out in front of Jason which included all his favorite foods.

Dick plopped down across from his husband and smiled at him softly, gesturing for him to dig in.

Jason did so happily, eating his fill for the first time in nearly a week.

Dick yawned, rubbing at his eyes tiredly.

"I think it's time for bed," Jason said after putting the dishes in the sink.

Dick's eyes slid closed before snapping open once again. He hummed in response and used the table to help himself stand.

Jason came around the table and wrapped an arm around Dick's waist, too weak at the moment to scoop the acrobat up and carry him as he would've preferred.

Dick and Jason curled up in bed together, Jason holding tightly to the older as if he might disappear if he let go. "Don't... don't leave me like that again," he mumbled.

Dick pulled Jason closer. "I can't promise that I won't ever have to go, but I can promise you that wherever I am I will always fight with all I have in me to come back to you."

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