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After the resurrection with pit everyone are overpowered . They become stronger , powerful , everything Damian is not . 

Why he was like that only for five minutes ? was he not worthy for the pit ? 

Damian questioned himself while everything around him was falling . Looking at his trembilng hands with the same scars he got from the glass , a bright green that replaced his tan skin .

Why his other marks on body dissapeared as if there was nothing at start ? everything the pit gave him is ugly scars that were suposed to be erased just like others .

Damian got out of his daze after a little rock fell on his head .

Either Ra's destroyed the pit or it was me . But if it was Ra's there would be a at least one assassin which there is not .

Everything is still destroyed and it only continue, Damian boredly looked up to see a huge stone falling exactly on him . 

It was quite a suprise when from nowhere a beautiful  purple flower covered him from another death , Damian felt somehow safe .

The sound of destruction still lingering in his head while darkness envelope him in embrace ,  the wide petals can only be seen with the green light that came from his scarred hands .




"so you don't know where Robin is " Red Hood grumble covering his face with hands wanting to just take off the skin 

"no we don't " said Ivy taking a sip of tea 

" i remeber almost everything , and the last thing was Robin getting thrown be Ivy's plants into building "added Harley 

"That's all ?" Jason's voice angry and tired from jumping on roofs to Harley and Ivy house.

"I heard a sword falling and someone saying ' im dissappointed'  , and just after those words i woke up on a roof not so far from our house with Ivy "

"Dissa..ppointed" Red Hood already have a guess who is that , and he don't like it at all

"I'm leaving !" without a second thought he jumped from the window 

"You're welcome asshole !" screamed Ivy irritated at Jason 

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