Chapter 2

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At this time the parking lot was already half filled with students entering school and some just hangin around talking. There was still 20 minutes before the bell rang. As I pulled in, most of the students turned and looked at the direction of my car.

The parking lot consisted of three columns of cars and one horizontal line against the school wall. The cars parked against the wall were reserved specially for leaders of the packs. This school was different than other schools. Not only did it have werewolves but it also had two packs. Usually pack kept to themselves because the alphas would get territorial and create tension with each other.

My pack is different. First it has the first ever female alpha, me. Second it has one of the strongest connections with another pack. My pack, Evergreen pack, is very close with its neighboring pack, Last Moon pack. It is mostly due to our past together. Their Luna, Hilda Kenden, was the sister of my packs past beta. It had brought my parents, the past alpha of my pack, and the leaders of Last Moon pack together back then.

Our packs decided to build a school in the middle of our territories to bond our people more. To put forward this plan the future leaders of the packs attend this school together. From Last Moon pack Kyle, one of my best friends and future alpha, attends this school along with his future beta, Andrew, future delta, Luka, and other of his pack members. From my pack I am the alpha and I do have some of my leaders and pack members too.

I slowly park my car in my reserved space next to Kyle's car. I turn off my car and collect my bag as Thomas does the same. We step out of my car. We headed to my friends who stood besides Kyle's car which was right next to my car. They were also looking at us.

I look at the students in the parking lot as I walked towards my friends direction seeing some bowing my direction. Slowly they all began to return what they were doing. They mostly only stopped to shows respect towards me for being gone for some time. Thomas next to me ignored the exchange.

The group consisted of Kyle, Andrew, Luka, Mason, and Aria, Andrew's mate. Kyle wore a black t-shirt and black jeans. He was 6'4, had dirty blonde hair, and blue eyes. He was the high schools typical golden boy. While he wasn't a fuck boy, he did have many fan girls. He and I have had a past relation together but stopped it when we turned eighteen. We had both agreed to do so because it was when we could find our mate and it would just get complicated if we continued. Andrew had grey shirt and blue jeans. Mason and Luka both had flannel shirts but Mason had blue and black theme while Luka had red and black both of them had blue jeans. Aria had pink pants, white shirt, and dark red jacket with black flats.

I could see Mason roll his eyes. "Why do you alway have to make a big entrance?"

"Is this how you talk to your alpha." I replied as I stood in front of him giving him a look. He rolled his eyes again with a smile now.

"Long time no see." Said Kyle as he gave me a hug. Kyle was probably one of the very few beings who I would allow to give me a hug. The rest of the group said hey and good to see you.

I leaned against my car with Kyle on my left side and Thomas on my right side. I leaned against Kyle without realizing hearing the guys talk about things like a party that a human is planning. Andrew and Aria were besides Kyle whispering to themselves. Suddenly Mason asked, "Did you get the papers from Thomas?" I stopped leaning against Kyle and sat straighter since the whole group listened to our conversation with the exception of Andrew and Aria. I nodded. "So have you thought about when are you leaving?" Even Andrew and Aria were waiting for my response.

"I don't know I was thinking sometime before next week, but I might leave sooner." I replied to Mason. The group went back to talking about the game this week after I didn't say anything else.

I stayed silent looking at the leaves being rustled by the November wind. It was getting colder as it got closer to winter but as werewolves we hardly felt the cold. I gazed at the tree not thinking of anything except the movement of the leaves.

Once again I felt the strange tightness in my stomach. On instinct I tried to be more aware of my surroundings and prepared for anything. I didn't warn the others because didn't want to alarm them and still planed to tell Kyle later.

Before I could tell Thomas anything, the bell then rang signaling that class going to start in 10 minutes so I let it slide. We began to head to our lockers. Kyle was walked with me because our first class, homeroom was together. First we headed to his locker. Most of the other students made way for us as we walked the halls.

"Kyle," I said drawing his attention, "I have a feeling something might happen today." He instantly stopped.

"Why?" He asked already concerned. His stance was that of a predator ready to pounce.

"It's just that I have a strange feeling. Like something is going to happen." I told him shrugging. "Just keep an eye out, okay?" He nodded. He began walking again. For a while we were both silent.

"So ready for the college student experience?" He asked slightly pushing me with his shoulder as we walked side by side trying to break the tension.

I turned to him as we got to my locker. "Technically, I am not going through college experience." I answered closing my locker with my book in hand for my next class. Since I was doing an online college process I wouldn't count it as 'college experience'. Putting aside the antsy feeling.

"Come on you know what I mean. Rue," He puts his hands on my shoulders making me stop and look at him in the eyes. "I am just trying to tell you to take it slow. You are just eighteen. Let loose." He said shaking my shoulders. My lips twitched showing the hint of a smile.

"I will," I said but he just gave me a pointed look, "I promise." I shook his hands off continuing towards class. We would probably be late at this pace. The halls were already empty but Kyle didn't seem to worry much. "At least with the online classes I won't be late to class anymore." I told Kyle. He put his arm on my shoulders.

Just then the bell rang marking us late to class. He let out a laugh and griped my shoulders making me hurry my pace. "Come on we have one minute before I get detention again." He halted in front of our class's closed door. "Fashionably late!" He whispered entering the classroom leaving me behind. I could tell the class went silent because of my werewolf hearing.

I felt the strange feeling again. This time it made my stomach flip. I looked behind me. I don't know what I expected but suddenly I was hit with a strong scent. It smelt like mint and the after scent of rain on grass and trees. Refreshing.

I felt like I had been living underwater my whole life and at that moment I was presented with air. It was the most strong and rich smell I had have the honor of breathing.

The scent came from the class room. I quickly turned to the door that Kyle held for me. I wasn't stupid I knew that only one scent could be this intoxicating and alluring. It was the only scent that could have this much affect on a werewolf.

Stepping into that room I knew that my whole life would change. For some reason it scared me. And I was scared of very few thing. My heart seemed to stop beating all of a sudden and my stomach seemed to be plunging in air.

I stepped in the room to have a everyone's eyes already on me. But my eyes locked on to the deep brown eyes almost black that altered my entire world in that moment.


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