[Chapter Five]

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I spun the corner with the last bit of power my Hellcat had and we sat in silence, catching our breath.

"That was too fuckin' close." Deion said, "Can't believe Jason got us into that shit,"

"Look, my fuckin' hands are shakin'," I held them up and we started laughing at how wobbly my entire body was after our getaway from Ace Chemicals.

"Aye, fuck what the gang say, you a better driver than Angelo for sure,"

"Man, 'preciate it," I doubted the compliment only because Angelo was practically a generational wheelman. He probably would've gotten us out of that situation in less than 30 minutes, meanwhile we were being chased for nearly an hour but other than some bullet holes my car was solid.

We got out of and entered the botanical garden to see Ivy tending to Jason who had sustained shallow claw marks across his upper chest.

"Fuck happened to you? You fought Killer Croc or something?" Ivy applied some alcohol on his wounds and he grunted in pain.

"... Tell me why your 'quick little gang bullshit' got me a one-on-one ass beating from Batman!" Jason explained, "He nearly had me but I lost'em on the rooftops,"

"... No way Batman did that to you, you definitely got mauled by a lion or some shit," I said, worried about his blood loss.

"Ah fuck! Mind bein' a bit softer," Jason whined when Ivy began stitching up one of the three cuts.

"F/n never complains," Ivy said beginning to move her first aid kit away.

"I'm sorry, Ivy, please continue." She stared at him before she started working on his wounds again.

"Alright, our fault then, but your little babysitting session wasn't exactly a walk in the park either," D said. "Dirty cops had already been at the house, they took Dent and already his killed wife by-"

"Look, baby you on the news!" Ivy pointed to a helicopter at Ace Chemicals during the minor meltdown with footage of Deion and I being played in a smaller corner.

"We interrupt your regularly scheduled broadcast for breaking news at Ace Chemicals. The building is believed to have been used as the site where unknown assailants took District Attorney, Harvey Dent and his wife, Rachel Dent, to be executed. Unfortunately, Mrs. Dent has already been confirmed dead. Mr. Dent's condition is currently unknown but he has been rushed to Gotham General Hospital." Reported Vicki Vale, "The two men at the scene of the crime have been reported as the Red Hood and Deion "D" Diaz, known affiliates of the 6th Street Saints street gang. The GCPD have issued an immediate manhunt and are requesting tips from citizens to bring the perpetrators of this act of terror against an innocent civil servant to justice,"

We all watched, anxiety building as just like that we went from gangsters to domestic terrorist, definitely a large step but in God knows what direction.

"Jesus... They had already got to Dent," Thankfully, Jason's bleeding had stopped but he looked a weak, "You two may have to get out of the city."

"What!?" Ivy, Deion, and I said simultaneously.

"Think, Mask is gonna know you were up to something but it was suppose to just be a Goddamn, basic stakeout!" Jason explained, Deion's phone began to ring and he ran off to take it privately.

"F/n, you can't leave, who's gonna sell all the product? How else are y'all going to make the money," Ivy reasoned.

"We've made 'round 300 thousand but there's no way in Hell they're gonna be able to sell the rest with the manhunt on, you'll be lucky to deliver it to Orlando's, let alone sell 200 more thousands worth,"

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