[Chapter Nine]

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Harley Quinn POV

It's been two weeks in Metropolis with this insufferable prick Black Mask, if I had a gun I would've blown my own head off just to not have to remember'em. Definitely still shoot him first though. The only thing keeping me going was our flight back to Gotham and thoughts of F/n. Honestly, I was disappointed he hadn't come for me while we were here, Mask had us moving around plenty but a little sloppily, must of felt safer away from the troubles of Gotham.

The plane landed on the ground with a slight rumble before pulling into a private hangar where I was escorted to a limousine by Mask's guards who had actually grown fond of me... or maybe they were just relieved they had someone else to spend their time with.

"Need your hands Ms. Quinn," I held my wrist up and Eddie secured me in some handcuffs when the car started to drive.

"Hope you're in a better mood now, you're little outburst yesterday was intense, try to take it easy today alright?" Mask said, referencing an incident where I got hold of a knife and nearly managed to escape from his compound, "We're gonna go see some old friends at the Iceberg so that should at least cheer you up. Try to stay positive, I'm thinkin' about lover boy too,"

"Who's all gonna be there?"

"Friends. It'll be a minute though, God, I hate the airport," I laid my head down and prepared for a long drive, "I'll be honest though, I'm impressed he's survived this long, was sure we woulda got'em from something in his apartment but nothing! Kid knows how to move, I'll give it to'em. Well, that's only if he's not dead already, odds are good though right?"

"Just lemme sleep, I don't know where he is, if he's alive, or if he even cares."

"Ouch, givin' up already on him. Probably just the abandonment issue flaring up, but Harley, my offer still stands. Give me something that helps me nail this fuck and I let you go. Easy as that."

"For the last time-"

"You know nothing, somehow I have a hard time believing that." He poured himself some scotch from the mini bar and lit a cigar. "I wanna let you know though, 'cause we're pals and everything... Your ex is gonna be there,"


"The man himself, actually the one who called this little meet." He took a sip from his drink, "When a man like that calls, I figure you have to answer. Don't worry, I didn't tell him about you and lover boy but he might know, didn't talk long, couldn't really gauge him out all that much for ya girlfriend,"

"And you trust'em?"

"Well sure, not like we haven't worked together before. I'm a little excited to see him honestly, been a couple years. Heh, imagine we walk in there and he's fat as fuck or something, aye Eddie, what do ya think?"

"That'd be hilarious boss," He responded.

"Ha! What about you toots, how you feel?" Mask asked.

"If I were you I'd be worried, he doesn't like it when people take his things,"

"HIS things!? I own this Goddamn town and all you people better start getting with the program. Joker'll get what his, I'm sure, but I'm keeping what's now mine," He flicked his remaining cigar out the window and everyone remained silent for the remainder of the trip.

When we arrived the entire place was shut down and only a few unmarked vehicles were parked in the lot. We entered the building, passing by heavily armed goons, to the main club floor where sat Gotham's top criminals.

The Penguin, The Riddler, Scarecrow, mob bosses, but most notably Poison Ivy sat at the table. I made eye contact with Ivy and she awkwardly looked away before meeting my gaze. Thankfully, I was seated next to her and Mask who sat at the head of the table.

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