[Chapter Eighteen]

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Writing has been a little boring for me as of late, need to finish before a hiatus for my next story.


Deion, Jason, and I broke into the elevator room that would lead us to the main levels of the bank only to discover the line had been shut off.

"Lester! What's the situation? We're sitting ducks here!" Jason called out.

"The boss must've remotely shut down the elevators when he opened the vault. Sly little bastard, give me a second,"

"Can't just wait around, need to find another way." D spotted a vent above the elevator doors and motioned for me to give him a boost. I held him up and he delivered a flame-powered strike before ripping the piece of the wall, creating an opening. He crawled into it and seemed to yell something back to us but was heavily muffled.

"I got it! The elevator should be activated but it won't come up, everything in this place has its own security measures, it's ridiculous!" Lester announced on comms.

"The fuck's the point then?" I questioned only for the doors to open up thanks to Deion.

"Gonna have to rappel down. Let's move!" We grabbed our support lines and secured them before beginning our descent.

"Ace, Earnie how you holding up?" I asked.

"SWAT teams are on their way and people getting antsy. Y'all needa hurry it up,"

"You guys needa get outta here, we're gonna need more time than y'all have!" Jason stated.

"Leave y'all!? Fuck that, we holding the fort 'til you boys out there," Earnie argued.

"Knight's right, SWAT teams ain't gonna waste any time. Take the escape car and-"

"But what about-"

"Don't worry 'bout us, we'll figure some out. Leave! That's an order!" D interrupted.

"Don't gotta tell me twice, let's go gang," Ace replied, Earnie grunted and was audibly annoyed as they cut off comms.

After a few minutes of scaling down the wall we reached the elevator and dropped down. Jason pressed the button and we began ascending to the main floors.

"So what's the plan now?" I asked.

"We might be fucked," Jason shrugged and I could tell we were all just kinda smiling under our masks.

"We're gonna shoot our way out this bitch, somehow survive, and walk away rich men," I announced, "Don't got any other choice now,"

The elevator stopped and the doors opened as the three of us slowly began walking out of the managerial room of the bank, covering each other tactically. We were prepped for a barrage of bullets to begin flying but nothing came as a small army of police cruisers and SWAT vans sat outside, awaiting our arrival.


"They pay this asshole by the word or word something?" I mocked, Jason threw down a smoke bomb and I flung three flash bangs outside the windows when the shooting started. 

I grabbed cover behind a pillar and began returning fire. A SWAT team bursted through the backdoors and Deion slid over to cover me as I shot at cops attempting to rush the main entrance. Jason took out three of the SWAT guys and I shot down two more, while Deion said fuck the guns and went full flame, cooking the remaining members of the unit alive. He stepped through the burning bodies towards the back entrance as Jason and I followed, hopping over the fire.

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