[Chapter Seven]

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Author's Note: Regardless if you fuck with Teen Titans Go! or not, they dead have some Billboard #1's on that show


I punched Jason's number onto the payphone located in a lonely part of the city after a long drive to find one. Thankfully, it only took a few rings for him to pick up.

"Alright, good and bad news. What you want first?"


"Half empty, eh? Well, Mask officially has a hit on you, $5 million for your head, 10 million alive so he can 'Teach you some manners'"Jason explained.

"Real easy to place a hit, I'd like to see that fuck even hold a gun."

"F/n, don't underestimate Mask, he's more than capable, I've dealt with'em enough to know there's a crazy, sick soul behind that mask. Sick." He stressed.

"I hear you. The good news?"

"I've got a contact who can deal with all the technical stuff at the bank and has experience to boot. We only need about 100 more thousand to buy the drill, some guys from your crew, and we should be all ready."

"Sounds good, me and D made 'bout 17 thousand here, so let's say like 85 thousand left,"

"Nice, we got this shit, just got to stay on top of it all. Batman finally caught wind of Joker in the city after Joker payed Dent a visit in the hospital, little late but nice of Batman to catch up. You're gonna have to see Dent to believe it, I don't know what Joker said to him but he's a wildcard now. Couple of mobsters were found dead with Dent's hands all over the murders. Gruesome scenes gotta say," He continued to fill me in on details about the state of the city and my gang before we wrapped up the call.

I ended up driving around town to clear my head before going back to Titan Tower. Raven was probably still mad at me for leaving abruptly and everyone else was preoccupied with enjoying each other. My mind wandered to a time where everything was still "normal" in my life. Fuck, I missed Harley. I missed the way her crazy laugh made everything twice as funny, I missed her beauty, but most of all I missed the way she would slurp me- Wait. What the Hell is that?

I lowered my head and slowed down in front of a WayneCorp R&D Lab where a shadowy figure ran across the roof before jumping out of view. I wonder what prototypal treasure they were going after in there? Or better yet, how much would it cost? My mind was made and I got out of the car to follow the suspicious lead.

The roof was normal except for a perfectly shaped square hole dropping into the building. I secured my rappel hook and began the descent towards the floor. The room was filled with computers, notebooks, and prototype robots that were all disabled. I pulled my gun out and left the room to the main hallway where I spotted the intruder hit a corner but chose not to shoot, figuring they would lead me to the real paycheck.

The intruder was oddly calm, whispering while they went down a short flight of stairs leading to a reinforced door. He pulled out some type of device and pressed it against the security eye scanner, it went green right away and the metal doors began sliding open. It revealed a small closet filled with vials of a red fluid. I didn't know what it was but if it's in a place like this, it had to be profitable, dangerous, or a fun mix of both.

"Aigh, putt'em up asshole!" I called out, they slowly turned around with their hands up.

"You're not who I was expecting. Too many suited up weirdos nowadays, so hard to keep track,"

"Hate to be a disappointment. Name's Red Hood, I'll be the one robbing you today. So, what's th-"

"Do robbers usually give their names? Not very good service," The Red X on his mask lit up for a second which I guess was his cue to make a move.

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