[Chapter Fourteen]

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I pulled into the back parking lot of Orlando's and carried a box filled with gun pieces directly into the manager's room where Deion sat alone, swiping through his phone.

"Where Jason at?" I asked. He just shrugged and stood up to look at the newly acquired firepower for the robbery, set to happen in two, making today December 19.

"So, what we working with?"

"You're gonna love these bad boys," I propped the box open with a pocket knife revealing a bunch of separate pieces.

"... The fuck is this? Looks like a bunch of plastic." He pulled a piece out, which I identified as one of the guns compensator.

"Our guy said this stuff is top of the line, no serial numbers, they can get passed metal detectors, fully 3D printed AR-15's. Some assembly required, but let me worry 'bout that." I took the compensator from him and attached it to a muzzle. "After we're done we can just dump'em,"

"3D printed guns? Goddamn, it's a whole new world out there. You drop Kai home or something?"

"Hospital. Had a little run-in with our favorite District Attorney, Harvey Dent, whole different man now-"

"Two-Face, Jason filled me in. He look as bad as I heard?"

"Probably worse. He made me crash pretty badly, had me at gunpoint. Only reason he backed down was 'cause I mentioned his daughter, you remember?"

"Sure, the lil' girl at the house."

"Yeah, well, I mentioned her and he just ran off to find her. Honestly, I got lucky. Still feel like shit though."

"I'd be pretty mad too if the mob burned half my face to shit," D reasoned.

"Y'know that's the thing. I don't even think he cared about that shit, he seemed to care more for his girl, Rachel, a lot more than what those guys did to him..."

"You good?" D asked, I was deep in thought and poured myself a glass of whiskey, downing it in a second.

"Yeah... I don't know, I'm just thinking. If the mob can drag down a man like Harvey Dent to that level, what could they do to a couple of thugs like us?"

"I get what you mean, but I'm already a literal demon." Again, Deion just shrugged. "How much 'worse' could I be,"

"Oh c'mon, demon or not, you're not a bad person." In a lot of ways D was a better person than me. I mean definitely killed less people than I have. Not that it was something to brag about, but I totally bragged about it. I grabbed the final piece of the AR-15 and put it in place. "Voila! A fully ready, 100% deadly, 3D gun. The future is now." D motioned for me to pass it over and I tossed it.

"Pretty lightweight, recoil better not be garbage. Can't even remember the last time I used one of these." We had already decided D wouldn't use his powers on the mission due to the fact he could be identified off them.

"Nah, I tried one of their guns, practically the same kickback of a real AR. Besides, we'll take'em down to the range to get a better feel. Recoil is definitely... different than the real thing." I explained. D nodded and we then sat in silence.

I continued assembling the remaining 5 guns piece-by-piece when Deion began turning the volume of the TV up abruptly. I turned my eyes and the sight sent chills down my spine.

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